Hi John,

After HOPE not hate infiltrated a Nazi group online and found they were using Instagram to recruit, thousands of us contacted Instagram to demand they take action. 

We are delighted to say that Instagram have now confirmed they’ve banned these groups from their platform.

It’s a start but there’s much more to do. Can you help us celebrate this win - but continue to put pressure on Instagram - by sharing this graphic?

What our researchers found when they infiltrated the National Partisan Movement online was shocking. They used social media to recruit new members and to promote incredibly extreme views (such as genocide), celebrate terrorist atrocities and spread their despicable hate for members of the LGBT+ community, Black people and Jews.

When they thought they were chatting privately, they discussed which platform was best for finding new recruits. Their answer? Instagram. 

Thousands of supporters joined our campaign to pressure Instagram to act - and they now have. They have banned NPM from the platform, and removed their accounts. It’s a start, but we want to know how it was possible for NPM to get around the platform’s policies on hate speech. And want to know what steps will be taken to stop the Instagram algorithm promoting this sort of extreme content. 

We’ve made some progress - thanks to supporters like you taking a stand. But it’s on the start. We will keep the pressure on Instagram to ensure that it is a platform for food, friends and cute cat photos, not for nazis.

Thanks for all you do,

Liron, Roxy, Nick and the HOPE not hate campaigns team