A week of wins and how to plan ahead for more

Socialism 101:
The Four Quadrants of American Politics

Image of CWA protestors featuring a sign that says

By Nikhil P


As socialists, our goal is to unite the working class and claim true democratic control over the society we have built. Unfortunately, the modern American political system, and the existing culture wars that dominate our media, aggressively work to limit this kind of united class struggle from happening. To undermine these divisions, we have to understand them.


Our society is controlled by the capitalist and managerial class — but this class has divisions, and the divisions are the main form of politics we witness. The conflicts between Democrats and Republicans, and between “woke” and “traditional” cultural values, are largely conflicts between different sections of the capitalist class.


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Your calls matter: So pick up the phone!

In today's episode of "Why calling people is the easiest way you can be an activist in the midst of a pandemic", we bring you great news from the national PRO Act campaign - your efforts have flipped two senators to support this historic bill.


Keep fighting! Sign up to phonebank today at bit.ly/proactphonebank or...


Are you 🔥 online? 🔥 


Join DSA National's Sunday 7:30pm call to learn how you can help. We need online volunteers to fight the disinformation campaign that many national outlets are waging against our progress. Zoom meeting & PW: 373119

Protestor from Women on the Rise for #ClosetheJailATL

This past weekend, Women on the Rise, our campaign group DARC (Defund APD, Refund our Communities), and many other activists and organizations came together to urge Atlantans to call the city council and demand that the ACDC (city jail) be closed once and for all.


The result? The Atlanta City Council had SIX HOURS of public comment to listen to on Monday. (Learn more about the push on Mainline Zine.)


So remember - we are powerful when we all act together! ✊🏼✊🏾✊🏿


Reminder: Join us for the April General Meeting

this Saturday on Zoom!




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