From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject DC statehood rallies in all eight wards today
Date April 22, 2021 9:46 AM
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DC statehood rallies in all eight wards today

More labor response to Chauvin murder convictions

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

Show Congress and All of America: We Want Statehood! Thu, April 22, 8:30am - 9:30am
[link removed] Click here for the complete list of events, starting at 8:30a.

Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, April 22, 1pm - 2pm

WPFW 89.3 FM or [link removed] listen online; JOIN US AT 202-588-0893
This week's guests discuss labor's reaction to the Chauvin murder convictions and Thursday's historic DC statehood vote.

[link removed] Labor Committee on the Environment: Thu, April 22, 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Committee to promote a pro-worker clean environment agenda and to advocate for giving workers a seat at the table on environmental policy to create union jobs. (Currently only 4% of solar jobs are union.)

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[link removed] Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, April 22, 6pm - 7pm

Meeting of Arlington union members and community allies.

NoVA Labor Delegation to UAW Picket Line in Dublin: Fri, April 23, 12pm - 1pm
5110 Cougar Trail Road, Dublin VA
More than 3,000 UAW Local 2069 members at the Volvo truck assembly plant in Dublin, VA, went on strike on Saturday. NoVA Labor is contributing to the strike fund and sending a delegation Friday morning to join the picket line. RSVP if you are able to go. This plant is the largest manufacturer of Volvo tractor-trailer trucks in the world.

[link removed] Labor Goes to the Movies: Chris talks with director (Matewan, 8 Men Out) and novelist (Union Dues, Yellow Earth) John Sayles, about Martin Eden, Pietro Marcello's adaptation of Jack London's autobiographical novel.

DC statehood rallies in all eight wards today
The US House of Representatives will vote today on HR 51 granting DC Statehood. Outdoor rallies are scheduled in [link removed] all eight wards from 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM: Metro Washington Council president Dyana Forester will attend the Ward 7 rally (Minnesota Ave and Pennsylvania Ave SE) and MWC Board member Ann Hoffman, a member of DC Vote, will be at the Ward 1 demo (Georgia and Florida Avenues NW). If you attend, wear your union colors and tag @dclabor in your tweets.

More labor response to Chauvin murder convictions
"Derek Chauvin has been held accountable for murdering George Floyd," said Minnesota AFL-CIO president Bill McCarthy. "While we celebrate today's verdict, we have so much work ahead of us in order to build a more just state and nation for everyone." "George Floyd's life mattered, and even though this decision is a step toward justice, more must be done," said Amalgamated Transit Union president John Costa. "We still have a long way to go to end the systemic cycle of injustice, racism, and hatred that plagues our country." Economic Policy Institute president Thea Lee said that "While we know that no trial or verdict can restore an unjustly taken life, let us build on the activism, awareness, and solidarity of this past year to commit together to dismantling white supremacy and making deep and meaningful reforms so that we will not need to continue bearing witness to police brutality and murder tomorrow, next month, or next year."

Today's Labor Quote: Liz Shuler

"Our only way forward is with immediate and drastic changes to a system rooted deeply in violent, systemic white supremacy."

Secretary Treasurer of the AFL-CIO; follow her [link removed] @lizshuler


This week's Labor History Today podcast: Ludlow: My name is Louis Tikas. Plus Saul Schniderman on Anne Feeney.
Last week's show: [link removed] The US-Canadian Labor History Collaborative

One of the worst disasters in Virginia mining history occurs at the Red Jacket Coal Corporation mine near Grundy in Buchanan County. All 45 men in the mine at the time died when coal dust ignited, causing blasts that were felt two miles away.

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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