Make a monthly gift and help families build resilience around the world

John, your commitment to ending hunger and poverty is already transforming the lives of families around the world as we speak — so thank you!

But there are thousands of struggling families who still need our help — including those in communities where Heifer works. And today, you can help empower these families and get a free tote too!

Join Heifer's exclusive monthly giving group, Friends of Heifer®, and you will help build strong communities and fund critical sustainability projects worldwide.

Protect even MORE families and get a free tote bag!Alpacka Sacka or Goat Tote: Which one will you choose?
Claim your alpacka sacka! Claim your goat tote!

By making a monthly gift, you're delivering hope and opportunity to these families by helping them increase their access to medicine, education, food and sustainable livelihoods.

Your monthly gift will help provide training and resources to support sustainable farming initiatives around the world, lifting families out of hunger and poverty. We'll also send you exclusive news and updates from the field so you can see firsthand the your impact your donations are making each and every month.

Become a Friend of Heifer today and help more families thrive:
Claim your goat tote! Claim your alpaca sacka
We're depending on you,

Kimberly Perrow
Heifer International


© 2019 Heifer International
1 World Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72202
855.9HUNGER (855.948.6437)

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