
Yesterday, the police officer who murdered George Floyd was found guilty of all charges. The verdict comes after a year of massive global protests calling for justice for George Floyd.

There is no verdict that can offer real justice for George Floyd. He should be alive today. The jury’s verdict at least offers some form of accountability. But it cannot bring George Floyd back, or any of the other many Black and Brown individuals killed by police officers.

Building towards real justice means working to end systemic racism. One step in that direction is passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, a significant reform bill in Congress to hold police officers accountable.

Will you honor George Floyd with action and send a message to your Senators now to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act?

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act would ban chokeholds on suspects, end no-knock warrants on drug cases, and make it easier to prosecute police officers who brutalize and kill Black and Brown individuals and communities. It would empower state officials to investigate and intervene when local police have a pattern of abuse and discrimination under federal law. And it would add a new lynching offense to the criminal code, targeting white supremacist violence.

There is absolutely no democracy without racial justice. We could get all the toxic big money out of politics, but it wouldn’t matter one bit if Black and Brown people continue to be brutalized and murdered by police.

After the verdict, Brandon Williams, Floyd's nephew, poignantly noted that many Black men and women still live in fear every day. "So when I say today is a pivotal moment, it is a chance for America to take a turn in the right direction," he said.

Push Senators to seize the moment and take action. There is absolutely no excuse for Senators not to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. Send a message today to demand action.

Thank you for all you do,

-HAZMAT America




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