John, it's been 22 years since Columbine, and we're still calling on Congress to take action to stop school shootings.

As a gun violence survivor, I know firsthand the lasting impacts that these kinds of shootings have on people. And now as a mother, I have seen my kids experience lockdown drills because school shootings remain imminent. It's why I stay committed to the critical work that Brady does.

In those 22 years since Columbine, there have been more than 300 school shootings — the latest high profile one happening just last week — and nearly zero pieces of federal gun safety legislation signed into law. Congress needs to act to make our schools and communities safer — because they're failing our youth if they don't, full stop. But they won't do it without a massive groundswell of grassroots support. 

With just hours until our midnight deadline, we're falling just 236 signatures short of our goal. That's why I'm asking you personally: Will you sign our petition demanding Congress take action to stop school shootings now?


Liz Dunning
Gun violence survivor & Vice President of Development, Brady

-------- Forwarded message --------
From: Kaylee Tyner
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2021
Subject: What happened at my high school