A Living New Deal Webinar

"Reigniting the Spirit of the New Deal’s Federal Writers’ Project”

Thursday, May 6, 2021
5:00-6:15pm PDT

Courtesy, LOC

The Federal Writers' Project (FWP), launched in 1935 under the Works Progress Administration (WPA), employed thousands of out-of-work writers, researchers, historians and librarians during the Great Depression. The FWP produced hundreds of publications, including  the American Guides to states and cities. Congress largely defunded the FWP in 1939 after the House UnAmerican Activities Committee accused it of having communist sympathies. 

Speakers: Susan Rubenstein DeMasi is a freelance writer and the author of "Henry Alsberg: The Driving Force of the New Deal Federal Writers’ Project.”
David Kipen, former book critic for the San Francisco Chronicle and Director of Literature for the National Endowment of the Arts, David authored the introductions to four American Guides reissued by UC Press. 
Fern L. Nesson, an attorney and fine arts photographer, uses her collection of American Guides on road trips, which she chronicles in her column, "Travels with the WPA State Guides,”  featured on the Living New Deal’s website. 

 Free via Zoom

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