I’m fuming, folks.

This week, Montana’s Republican Governor signed two bills into law that severely restrict voting rights here in Montana.

The first ends Montana’s tradition of same-day voter registration. The second institutes a burdensome voter ID law that, among other things, makes it harder for students to vote.

It doesn’t matter who or what you vote for — access to the ballot box is critical to our democracy. These actions seek to put more power in the hands of the few while blocking the voices of folks across our state. No matter what, I’ll continue to defend Montanans and their right to be heard.

If you’re with me, I need your support right now to help us build the resources it will take to fight back against these attacks and expand voting rights at the federal level. If you can, please make a donation now:

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I appreciate your help as we take on this important issue. Montanans deserve better than these Republican partisan politics.

— Jon