Media Response: Immigration flip flop poisons environmental movement
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How mainstream environmental groups are sawing off the limb they're sitting on.

Today's biggest environmental groups aren't just busy cancelling their founders, writes Environmental scientist Leon Kolankiewicz, they are also cancelling their commitment to achieving their own goals.

Kolankiewicz unearths the history that many of his peers wish to bury: the modern environmental movement was formed at a time when conservatives and liberals agreed that America (and the world) would be best served by an immigration policy that would allow the U.S. population to stabilize.

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Kolankiewicz dishes out a lot of tough love, inconvenient truths, and a shout out to NumbersUSA:

"The USA is now on a demographic trajectory that will carry us from 330 million to more than 400 million in several decades and 500 million by 2100. According to the Pew Research Center, about 90 percent of this growth will be due to future immigration.

"This is not even including the Biden administration's immigration proposals, which according to NumbersUSA, would add 37 million legal permanent residents -- essentially, a whole California -- to the U.S. population in the first decade alone.

"What do leading environmental groups have to say about this additional population pressure on America's environment? Zilch. Nothing. Nada."

NumbersUSA, on the other hand, has sounded the alarm for 25 years, and will continue to do so.

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