If you want to stop the Republican recall in California, one of the most important things you can do is signup to volunteer today.

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Friends -

If you want to stop the Republican recall in California, one of the most important things you can do is signup to volunteer today.

Click on this link to sign-up to volunteer.

Just the other night, Governor Newsom got on a Zoom chat with more than 1,400 volunteers and small-dollar donors.

Here’s a photo:

Governor Newsom on Zoom

That night, we sent a record number of text messages to Californians asking them if they oppose the recall.

That’s how we’re going to win.

You don’t have to volunteer RIGHT THIS SECOND, but it would be great if you pledged to volunteer at least SOME TIME to beat this Republican recall.

What do you say?

Add your name to say you’ll volunteer to stop the Republican recall attempt in California.

While we may be waiting for the official announcement that the Republican recall has the signatures they need to qualify, we are not waiting around to take the fight to them.

Thanks for signing up.

- Team Newsom


Committee major funding from: California Democratic Party, Professional Engineers in California Government PECG-PAC, Stewart Resnick

This email was sent to: [email protected]. Emails are a very important way for Team Newsom to keep in touch with others who oppose the right-wing Republican recall attempt. If you want to unsubscribe, that would be unfortunate, but please click here to unsubscribe. To make a donation to help Governor Newsom stop this recall attempt, please click here.