Dear Friend, In the wake of the verdict over George Floyd’s murder, we are clear that this is not justice. The ruling was a demonstration of police accountability. Still, we must address our entire system that perpetuates anti-Black racism and racial violence in all forms for justice to be done. Another example of racism and violence is when a gunman targeted a FedEx facility in Indianapolis that he knew was overwhelmingly staffed by Sikhs. This workplace massacre doesn’t occur in a vacuum. It happens in the context of longstanding anti-Sikh and anti-Asian hate in the United States. The shooting occurs just a month after the targeting of Asian American spas in Atlanta, which left eight people dead, including 6 Asian women. And it brings back memories of the hate-motivated massacre at the Oak Creek, Wisconsin gurdwara in August 2012. Our response is a call to join us for a multiracial interfaith vigil to grieve and stand in solidarity with the Sikh community one week after the mass shooting in Indianapolis. This massacre is touching the open wound of decades-long racial trauma. In a time of collective trauma and racial violence on BIPOC communities, solidarity is survival. We will be joined by Sikh community members, faith leaders, artists, and activists. This online event will be a night of testimony, music, prayer, and song. We will gather in grief, rage, and love — and the Sikh spirit of Chardi Kala, ever-rising spirits even in darkness. Join us as we live into our vision of cultivating a race and faith solidarity movement. |