YOU did this. All of you who got in the streets, who demanded #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd, and STAYED in the streets declaring #BlackLivesMatter.

Matthew Rozsa: The Parallels Between Trump’s “Big Lie” and Hitler’s
Sam Goldman interviews Matthew Rozsa (@MatthewRozsa) about his recent article for Trump’s Big Lie and Hitler’s: Is this how America’s slide into totalitarianism begins? which reads in part: “The Germans who ‘believed’ in Hitler’s Big Lie did so not because he
had any proof that Germany had been stabbed in the back, but because
they hated Jews, hated leftists and wanted to restore the German Empire
to its pre-World War I glory. The Republicans who ‘believe’ in Trump’s
Big Lie do so not because there is any logical argument that Biden stole
the election, but because they don’t want to admit that a majority of
Americans do not support their policies. In order to stay in power, they
need to disenfranchise racial minorities, low-income voters and anyone
else who might be inclined not to support Republican politicians.”
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Thoughts from Sam Goldman, recorded before Derek Chauvin was convicted, on the enduring & embedded legacy of white supremacy:
As documented by the
website, the rate of police murder in the US
has not decreased in 2021. In fact, there have only been three days in
2021 where the police did not kill someone. While there are uneven rates
of unjust violence, depending on the jurisdiction, what remains true
year after year, is the percentage of Black people murdered by police
completely outpaces other ethnic groups. Black people are three times
more likely to be killed by police than white people. If this was
another country, people would be demanding the UN step in and disarm the
US police before they killed again.
The latest
video being this horrible video of a 13 year old child in Chicago, Adam
Toledo, shot with his hands up. Now is a time for pure rage, because it
didn’t matter that he was a child. Because it didn’t matter that his
hands were up because there are too many mothers mourning their stolen
sons, because I believe you can’t reform a system that sends its
enforcers to chase down and kill children. And this is why I think one
of the many reasons why I think you need a revolution, nothing less.
It’s right that people call out the lie of compliance and injustice between the way Black folks are routinely treated by the police and the
way that deadly white mob was treated when clearly not complying as they
stormed the Capitol. As writer Jeff Sharlet pointed out on Twitter:
“Remember, flashbangs were not allowed to be used against the white
supremacist mob of 9000 that attempted to overthrow the US Congress, but
for people protesting police executions of civilians” national team
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