TAKE ACTION TODAY, Crime Victims Rights Week and a Day of Action for the Senate! Email not displaying correctly?
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Crime Victims Rights Week

Victim of Crimes Act (VOCA) Senate Day of Action, Today, April 21st

What's Happening 

Victims of violence are facing large cuts in funding to lifesaving programs. ​​​​​Funds into the Crime Victims Fund have dropped dramatically in the last several years, leading to a substantial cut to VOCA victim assistance grants. These grants provide lifesaving resources to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and survivors of child abuse. The House overwhelmingly passed the VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 to fix the problem, and the bill is waiting for Senate action. The purpose of this day of action is to push the Senate to pass this bill. More information about the bill and the need for the VOCA fix can be found here.

What Can You Do?

Takes one minute - click here. Contact your elected officials in Congress and urge them to cosponsor (or thank them if they already have) and vote YES on the VOCA Fix Act.  During Crime Victims Rights Week, the Senate must take action to support victims of crime. Take action here, post it to social media and spread the word. 


 We need your help to get the VOCA Fix Act across the finish line! 

Thank you, and in solidarity,

Claire Kao
Communications and Advocacy Coordinator

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