APRIL 2021
Foundation for Child Development: Foundation News

Young Scholars Program Spotlight:
Dr. Jaime Puccioni 

Dr. Jaime Puccioni grew to love educational policy and quantitative research in her second year of graduate school at Michigan State University. She was a first-generation college student and became a middle school teacher before completing her dual Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education. Dr. Puccioni was awarded a research grant as part of the Young Scholars Program, Cohort 14. Her research examines ways in which family and classroom contexts influence children’s educational opportunities and development, with a particular focus on family engagement.

In this YSP Spotlight, Dr. Puccioni shares how her experience as a 2017 Young Scholar afforded her the time to develop her research trajectory, build collaborative relationships, and earn tenure.
Read the YSP Spotlight on Dr. Puccioni
ABOUT US Research, policy and practice—we connect these pieces to help build early childhood systems that enable children to reach their full potential. Founded in 1900, the Foundation for Child Development identifies needs, fills gaps and integrates knowledge for successful implementation and continuous improvement. Learn more about our focus areas and download resources by clicking these links.
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