As Ben Franklin said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither and will lose both."

Right now within the libertarian party, there is a debate about who should receive the nomination. The nomination is important because it would give that candidate ballot access in all 50 states. In a system where the two-party system has a stranglehold on the election process, they are constantly trying to keep third parties and independent candidates off the ballot.

That means that to this party, keeping ballot access is a big deal. If the party doesn't meet it's vote totals, some states will have cause to remove the entire party from easy ballot access, forcing them to spend thousands of hours collecting petition signatures just to get it back. Vote totals and ballot access are extremely important.

However, some people within the party make this their top priority. In order to keep that ballot access, they are willing to sacrifice their principles and give their presidential nomination to someone who does not believe in true liberty or their platform. They will typically offer it to a big name from the Republican party, knowing that they are not fully aligned with the party principles. 

I say this. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Ballot Access, deserve neither and will lose both."

Every day I run the risk of being arrested for refusing to pay taxes, driving without a license, operating a business without a permit, or simply speaking up against big organizations that are powerful enough to hurt me in ways I can't even imagine. I am reaching millions with the message that taxation is theft, knowing that my political positions might hurt my non-political career in the future.

I will not compromise my beliefs for my own job security or safety. I will not stop spreading the truth so that I can have a little more comfort. To me, ballot access is secondary. The chances of the libertarian party winning with even the most well-known candidate are slim to none, especially if that candidate's message can't even resonate with a majority of the voters.

Our primary concern should be delivering a message that inspires every American to want freedom. If we are successful in that, ballot access won't be an issue.

My campaign strategy, when implemented by our amazing team, delivers that message loud and clear. Our message is teaching even those on the far left and the far right, that we can not let the government manipulate us with our beliefs or our fears.

I am not famous, and the press will continue to ignore me. I know this sounds like terrible odds. But with your support, and with our proven strategy, we will continue to reach millions with this message. This is more important than any celebrity factor of a career politician.

Thank you for your support in helping us fight for a brighter, freer future.

In Liberty,

Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman