
A message from our sponsor

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Fellow Conservative,

We can't afford to ignore this crisis. 


The Biden-Harris administration is ignoring our border, and they're letting in as many illegal immigrants as they possibly can.


Even liberal outlets are saying that the Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security is granting 9 out of 10 illegal migrants entry to the United States.


And remember that statistic is just who they catch at the border. That doesn't account for the thousands of illegal aliens crossing our border undetected.


We can't afford to wait around for this administration to do the right thing we need to fix this before it's too late.


That's why I'm asking you to make an emergency donation to our No Sanctuary for Illegal Immigrants Fund right away.


Tell your governors, mayors, and state legislatures that you won't tolerate special protection for illegal migrants.

The Biden-Harris administration is doing everything they can to downplay this crisis.


They won't allow photos to be taken at the holding facilities, and they've even tried to prevent a sitting U.S. senator from getting footage at a facility in his own state.


Not to mention, they won't give members of the press straight answers about how many migrants they're currently housing.


The Biden-Harris administration is going to do everything in their power to pressure YOUR state and local leadership to take these migrants.


We need to hear from you right now. 


Please don't waste a moment follow this link and make a generous donation of $35 or more to Stand For Americabs No Sanctuary for Illegal Immigrants Fund.


This administration has made it crystal clear: they put America last.


That's why illegal immigrants are being housed and fed on U.S. taxpayer dollars.  


That's why migrant children are receiving in-person education while American children are still locked in their homes.


And that's why migrants are welcomed into our country with no identification.


Enough is enough.


It's time to take a stand for your safety, and your way of life.


Please donate $35 or more to the No Sanctuary Fund, and let your state and local leaders know that you won't let Joe Biden and Kamala Harris open our border to anyone and everyone.

The Biden-Harris administration won't acknowledge what's going on at the border, and we won't know the real damage until it's too late.


So we must act NOW.


Make no mistake,this isn't just a problem for border states or blue states.


That's why Stand For America has three simple goals: 


  1. Support governors and mayors who take a strong, America-first stance against illegal immigration
  2. Target key legislators in vulnerable states to say NO to sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants
  3. Educate Americans about the true costs of illegal immigration


Every state will feel the consequences of what's happening at the border unless we respond now.


If you're in the position to make a generous donation of $35 or more today, please hurry.


Thank you in advance for your support.


My very best,

Nikki Haley Signature

Nikki R. Haley

Stand For America Logo

Founded by Ambassador Nikki Haley, Stand For America is an advocacy group promoting public policies that strengthen America's economy, culture, and national security.

Stand For America | www.standforamericanow.com
611 Pennsylvania Ave, SE #145 Washington, DC 20003-4303 


Contributions are not tax-deductible. Stand For America does not accept contributions from foreign nationals.

