TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for complete and latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
Wednesdays with Warner for the PRO Act: Wed, April 21, 8:15am – 8:45am
Windmill Hill Park, 500 South Lee St, Alexandria (map)
Justice for Jeyasre: Wed, April 21, 10am – 11am It has been three months since the brutal murder of Jeyasre Kathiravel, an Indian Dalit woman who was a garment worker and union member organizing against gender-based violence and harassment at a major Indian garment manufacturer which has business with many major U.S. and European fashion brands.
Labor's New Kids on the Block: Collaboration between Immigrant Worker Centers and Unions: Wed, April 21, 11am – 12pm Join DC LERA for a conversation between Dr. Ben Kreider, Policy Consultant, and Discussant Carlos Jimenez of the AFL-CIO about immigrant worker centers, new forms of organizing, and collaboration between immigrant worker centers and unions.
Alexandria Dems Labor Caucus: Wed, April 21, 7:30pm – 8:30pm
Contact [email protected] for the link.
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, April 22, 1pm – 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online. Latest labor news and listener calls: 202-588-0893.
Labor Committee on the Environment: Thu, April 22, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Committee to promote a pro-worker clean environment agenda and to advocate for giving workers a seat at the table on environmental policy to create union jobs. (Currently only 4% of solar jobs are union.)
Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, April 22, 6pm – 7pm
Meeting of Arlington union members and community allies.
Labor responds to Chauvin murder convictions "The work of dismantling systemic racism and white supremacy is just beginning," said AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka in response to Derek Chauvin’s convictions of murder in the death of George Floyd. "As members of our communities and representatives of union public safety professionals, the labor movement has a unique role to play in changing this culture of policing," Trumka said. Calling the conviction “a step in the right direction,” 32BJ SEIU Vice President Jaime Contreras said that “we are far from where our nation needs to be in order to live up to our own ideals.” National Nurses United president Jean Ross, RN said that “this decision would not have been possible without the outpouring of millions of Americans demanding justice following the murder of George Floyd.” “It’s gratifying to see today that a central principle of American justice has been upheld," said AFGE National President Everett Kelley. "No one is above the law." This story was posted Tuesday on our website; follow us on Twitter for breaking labor news!
Labor hits DC streets Thursday to support statehood vote As statehood fever builds across the District of Columbia, local labor advocates for statehood are urging their brothers and sisters to join them Thursday morning as residents turn out in every ward when the House votes on the historic bill. “This moment is the result of many years of hard work and we’re looking forward to being together to finally see it happen,” says Ann Hoffman, Metro Washington Council Executive Board member and member of DC Vote, the organization leading the fight across the country for DCStatehood. “As a lifelong DC resident I am beyond thrilled with this vote,” added MWC president Dyana Forester. “I can’t wait to be there in my home Ward 7 decked out in my union colors!” Click here for the complete list of events, starting at 8:30a. - David Stephen
Today’s Labor Quote: Jean Ross, RN "This decision would not have been possible without the outpouring of millions of Americans demanding justice following the murder of George Floyd.” Ross is president of National Nurses United.
Today's Labor History This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Ludlow: My name is Louis Tikas. Plus Saul Schniderman on Anne Feeney. Last week’s show: The US-Canadian Labor History Collaborative
New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller signs Taylor Law, permitting union organization and bargaining by public employees, but outlawing the right to strike - 1967
Some 12,500 Goodyear Tire workers strike nine plants in what was to become a three week walkout over job security, wage and benefit issues - 1997
- David Prosten
Hiring Hall: Plus dozens more DC-area union jobs; click here!
Executive Director – Community Services Agency, Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC (Posted: 4/13/2021)
Communications Digital Media Specialist – O2B Campaign, VEA (Virginia Education Association), based out of VEA Headquarters in Richmond, VA (Posted: 4/19/2021) Internships Communications and Fundraising Internship; DC Jobs with Justice (4/20) Organizing Internship for Howard University or UDC Undergraduate Students; DC Jobs with Justice (4/20)
Misc Global Worker Rights Coordinator – Advocacy Hub, International Division, AFL-CIO, based in Washington, DC [Headquarters] (Posted: 4/16/2021) Operations & Development Coordinator (Full-Time), APALA (Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance), based in Washington, DC (Posted: 4/14/2021) Regional Campaigns Director – Campaigns Department, LCV (League of Conservation Voters), based in Washington, DC (location is flexible) (Posted: 4/16/2021)Coordinator of Multi-States, Make the Road States, this is a multi-state position (CT, DC, NJ, NV, NY, PA) (Posted: 4/16/2021) Development Director, UFR (United for Respect), may be worked from anywhere in the United States (remote) (Posted: 4/14/2021)
Organizing Union Organizers – AFT Virginia, AFT (AFT Virginia), based in Fairfax, Norfolk, and Hampton, VA (Posted: 4/14/2021) Digital Organizer, AFT (AFT Virginia), based in Virginia (Posted: 4/14/2021) Organizing Specialist (Temporary) – Organizing And Field Support, VEA (Virginia Education Association), based in Northern VA (Posted: 4/19/2021) Organizing Specialist – Organizing and Field Support, VEA (Virginia Education Association), based in Northern VA (Posted: 4/19/2021)
Research Research Director, ACRE (Action Center on Race and the Economy), location is flexible (Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area, or Washington, DC. is preferred) (Posted: 4/13/2021)
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source for all news items and as the source for Today’s Labor History.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members. DYANA FORESTER, PRESIDENT.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.