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World Resources Institute

Dear John,

April feels different this year. I feel a new sense of hope. A decisive decade is before us, the possibilities are motivating and crucial. Soon, leaders from around the globe will convene for the Leaders Summit on Climate to underscore the urgency of stronger national climate commitments. We must take this moment and turn it into momentum because there is no time left for half-measures and incremental change

To prevent the most dangerous impacts of climate change, the world must invest in and implement ambitious climate action. We must create system-wide change that benefits both people and the planet. Not only do we know why we need to do better, WRI knows how. And we need to do it now. 


Will you donate today to ensure the hope of transformational change becomes a reality, John?

WRI is well-positioned to inform and catalyze the change that is so urgently needed. We draw on deep expertise for research and analysis to deliver nonpartisan solutions and leverage the trust we have earned from decision-makers to drive impact at scale.

These five examples showcase WRI’s international work and how we help tackle critical environmental challenges while building robust, inclusive growth.


  • Tracking forest and land restoration efforts. WRI harnesses cutting-edge technology through the Global Forest Watch platform to share near real-time information on how forests are changing around the world. We also work with governments and local communities to facilitate collaborative data-collection mapathons that combine high-tech tools with low-tech but accurate human eyes to see where billions of trees are growing in landscapes around the world — and where land is under restoration.
  • Informing policies that tackle plastic pollution. In a new legislative guide, WRI and UNEP showcase how the law can be used to effectively curb the world’s plastic problem and support a circular plastics economy.  
  • Securing land rights for Indigenous communities and women. WRI research underscores how Indigenous People's and women's land tenure rights are crucial for building more equitable land systems and avoiding catastrophic climate change. In addition to aiding in carbon sequestration, these lands provide the benefits of global ecosystem services that merit increased protection and financial support, especially if forested countries are to achieve their commitments under the Paris Agreement.
  • Ensuring just transitions to zero-carbon economies. Through its new ​​​​​​resource center, WRI highlights on-the-ground case studies and lessons to consider and adapt as the world accelerates the transition away from fossil fuels and builds a zero-carbon future that benefits everyone.
  • Driving action to address the water-energy-food nexus. Through Aqueduct data and WRI expert analysis, we’re able to share a framework the international development community can utilize to address water, energy and food scarcity. This framework will enable them to effectively manage trade-offs and mitigate and adapt to climate change while protecting the most vulnerable among us.

These five examples underscore WRI’s unique ability to evolve the conversation from if and why we must act now to how we can best protect people and the environment.

With you at our side,
John, we can accelerate momentum for climate action. Please help us drive the transformational changes the world needs. Please give today.

Yours in action,

Jenni LeBlanc
Director, Individual Philanthropy
World Resources Institute