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Wednesday, April 21st, 2021

Who Runs the World? Blackrock and Vanguard

Bill Sardi

Crime 2019

George Hollenback

Madoff Is Dead – The Great NY Cover-Up

Martin Armstrong

U.S. Constitution Expired. California Exemptions Revoked. Natural Law Stands

Rosanne Lindsay

Fauci, Smoking Gun Evidence, Pandemic Fraud; Memo To Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan

Jon Rappoport

Will the Allies Have To Die for Kiev?

Thierry Meyssan

The Great Reset Morality: Euthanization of the Inessentials

Joaquin Flores

There Is Only One Option on Afghanistan

Laurence M. Vance

Watch: Perspectives on the Pandemic | ‘The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine’


Rush to Vaccine Judgement

Thomas Braun

At Least 138 Volcanoes Buried Beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet

Robert W. Felix

Vaccine Makers Destroy Covid Vaccine Safety Studies

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

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