Chauvin Conviction Just and Consequential. Ending Racism and Systemic Inequity Must Continue. Email not displaying correctly?
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Chauvin Conviction Just and Consequential.
Ending Racism and Systemic Inequity Must Continue.

Today’s guilty verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd can be more than just one important moment in our history. We hope it stands as the momentous bellwether our country so desperately needs.

Nearly one year after the world watched then-police-officer Chauvin execute Mr. Floyd by putting a knee to his neck for an excruciating 9 minutes and 29 seconds, a jury found him guilty on all counts. We hope and expect Judge Cahill will impose a just sentence.

Mr. Floyd’s daughter was right when she said “my daddy changed the world;” his tragic murder invigorated a movement to end racism in policing in communities across this country and all around the globe. This verdict must continue, not conclude, this crucial movement. Today’s outcome against one officer will not undo decades of damage and death caused by white supremacy. It won’t wholly heal our nation nor redeem our humanity, but it can serve as another crucial signal to transform racist systems and help realize Futures Without Violence. In collaboration with our partners, with advocates and allies, and with all who must never again stand by silently, we pledge to continue the struggle. Justice demands that we work tirelessly to reimagine law and policy to end white supremacy and the outrageous depravity we see too often in law enforcement today.

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