Is there really a climate crisis?
Not a chance, according to the explosive book Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate.
Authored by the world-renowned astrophysicist and climate expert S. Fred Singer along with climatologists David R. Legates (U. of Delaware) and Anthony R. Lupo (U. of Missouri), and featuring a foreword by physicist William Happer (Princeton U.), this path-breaking book shows that the pessimistic, and often alarming, global warming scenarios depicted in the media have no scientific basis.
On page after revealing page, Hot Talk, Cold Science explores the inaccuracies in climate data and the failures of climate models, the impact of solar variability, clouds, ocean currents, and sea levels on global climate, plus factors that could mitigate any human impact on world climate. And what do the authors find?
Here—so you can judge for yourself—are just some of the truths laid out in this indispensable work:
CO2 has not caused temperatures or sea levels to rise beyond historical rates.
Severe storms have not increased in frequency or intensity since 1970—neither have heat waves nor droughts.
Global “climate change” is not harming coral reefs.
Any increases in CO2 concentrations across vast time spans haven’t preceded rising global temperatures, they’ve followed them by about 600 to 800 years—just the opposite of alarmist claims.
“Carbon” taxes and other “solutions” to the global warming “crisis” would have devastating consequences for economically disadvantaged groups and nations.
Alarmist climate scientists have hidden their raw temperature data and deleted emails—then undermined the peer-review system to squelch debate.
CO2 is not a pollutant but essential for all life on Earth.
In sum, despite all the hot talk—and outright duplicity—there is no “climate crisis” resulting from human activities and no such threat on the horizon.
Hot Talk, Cold Science is an essential, clear-headed book of scope and substance that no one who claims to value science, the environment, and human well-being can afford to ignore.
Hardcover • $26.95 • 256 pages • Index • 36 Figures • 2 Tables
“In Hot Talk, Cold Science, Fred Singer looks at the issue of climate change the way a physicist should. He asks probing questions and offers reasoned possibilities. He notes the obvious weaknesses that others too often ignore. . . . Fortunately, some like Dr. Singer still prefer the joys and value of scientific inquiry.”
—Richard S. Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor Emeritus of Meteorology, M.I.T.
“Hot Talk, Cold Science is an excellent book on the politics and science of climate change.”
—Elliott D. Bloom, Professor Emeritus, Stanford Linear Accelerator Laboratory; team member of 1990 Nobel Prize-winners in physics Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, and Richard E. Taylor
“Hot Talk, Cold Science is one of the most important contributions undermining the economically and politically problematic and highly controversial scientific doctrine of man-made global warming.”
—Václav Klaus, former President, Czech Republic
“Buy it, read it, and treasure it. . . . state-of-the-art. . . . You’re going to like this greatly expanded edition of Hot Talk, Cold Science.”
—RealClear Energy
“Hot Talk, Cold Science provides the reader with important facts and evidence consistently and conveniently overlooked by climate alarmists, making clear the case on global warming is far from closed.”
—Ted Cruz, U. S. Senator; Chairman, Senate Subcommittee on Science and Space; Chairman, Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights