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Dear John,
Earlier today, a jury in Minnesota found Derek Chauvin guilty on all charges in George Floyd's murder in May 2020.
The jury’s decision to hold Derek Chauvin accountable for the murder of George Floyd is a critically necessary first step in securing #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd.
And yet, no guilty verdict can change the fact that George Floyd — and Breonna Taylor, Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo and too many others — should be alive today.
Our country’s policing and criminal legal systems have targeted and devalued Black, brown and Indigenous lives for centuries. The issue is much bigger than one traffic stop, one no-knock raid, one police shooting, one department, or one city.
It is long past time for our country to tackle systemic racism, reimagine what public safety looks like, and create transformational change to ensure justice and fair treatment for all people. Black Lives Matter, and our society’s laws, practices and institutions must reflect that.
As we have for more than a century, ADL is committed to living our mission to ensure just and fair treatment to all. We will speak out, share facts, and show strength with our partners in the Black community and other communities of color to address the issue of systemic racism.
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director
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