Hey! john!

Are you joining us tonight for the screening of Abortion Helpline, This is Lisa

This 13-minute documentary follows the calls that are coming in to the Women’s Medical Fund from people seeking financial help for their abortions. 

One of the MANY reasons money is a barrier to access is that there is a federal amendment called Hyde that blocks people from using their Medicaid insurance to get abortion care. Check out this quick explainer video by our own Molly Gaebe breaking down this 47 year old trash regulation and Henry Hyde, the monster behind it!

After the film, we’ll chat with Marah Lange and Seneca Joyner from Women’s Medical Fund, as well as Lexis Dotsun-Dufault from We Testify. Expect nothing but FACTS and RAGE. 

Catch it all at our YouTube Channel tonight at 7pm ET/6pm CT/4pm PT!

Yours in abortion access, 

Lizz Winstead


Tuesday, April 20 

7pm Screening & Discussion 

Check out all the AAF fun!

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