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World Resources Institute


Off to Bezos Earth Fund, Andrew Steer Shares 8 Lessons from WRI 

Want to know how the $10 billion Bezos Earth Fund will invest in climate action? Here’s some hints: just in time for Earth Day, WRI’s outgoing president and CEO, Andrew Steer, shares eight lessons he leared in his nine years at the helm. He describes why WRI is more than a research organization, and why sharing credit is key to success. Lesson #4: “Don’t believe them when they tell you you are only an NGO.” Read more.

Andrew Steer
Wind farm in California, United States. The United States and other countries have an opportunity to put forward more ambitious climate policies at the Leaders Summit on Climate. Photo by Z22/Wikimedia Commons

Four Things To Make This Week’s Leaders Climate Summit a Success 

President Biden has invited 40 world leaders to a virtual summit this week that will be live-streamed for public viewing. David Waskow, director of WRI’s Global Climate Initiative, and co-authors tell what to watch for. An ambitious U.S. commitment to cut emissions tops the list. More climate finance from the U.S. and other rich countries is also key. Read more.

Meenakshi Dewan tends to a solar panel in Tinginaput, India in 2009. Decentralized solar energy systems are often the most resilient options for communities that are vulnerable to climate change.

How Decentralized Solar Power Can Help Vulnerable People 

Resilient energy systems work best when they’re responsive to local needs. In emerging economies such as India, decentralized solutions are often the answer. A new report from WRI India offers 14 case studies as a roadmap for designing, implementing, and managing clean energy solutions in climate vulnerable areas. Read more.

The Soares family works to restore natural resources in the rural municipality of Juruti in Brazil, where deforestation is rampant.

Big Ideas Into Action Podcast: Brazil’s Faces of Restoration 

WRI Brasil’s Faces of Restoration video project tells the stories of Brazilians who are helping themselves and the land around them by planting and caring for native trees. In this new episode of the Big Ideas into Action podcast, Nicholas Walton asks Bruno Felin and Mariana Oliveiera about the story behind these stories. Listen to it here



Land Value Capture and Equitable Development
May 04, 2021
9 - 10:30am EDT