A key position every church needs is that one person or a team that is in charge of handling cases of suspected abuse. That person needs to be trained in reporting the abuse and supporting the child. Everyone in the church should know that this is the person to bring any suspicion or knowledge of abuse. By using the mandated reporter hotline (1-800-4-A-CHILD), this person can also follow up with CPS on the progress of the case. |
Helen Richardson and Dr. Sharen Ford of Focus on the Family's Advocacy for Children cover the importance of how we handle suspicions of child abuse. |
The call is often not made to report child abuse. People are sure someone else has already called it in. Or they don't want to get someone in trouble, or are afraid they will not retain anonymity. |
This summer, Focus on the Family will launch “The Focused Pastor,” a free content and services platform for local churches. The platform includes pastor/church leader content and resources; marriage and parenting assessments; family help and content for church leaders to help families; and curriculum and bible study tools and event/community outreach resources. To learn more and sign up for “The Focused Pastor,” register at the link below. |