
Donald Trump is not above the law. If we are to begin the process of restoring the integrity of the Department of Justice and the rule of law to our nation, the Department must investigate Trump’s actions and, where warranted, hold him and his associates accountable for any violations of the nation’s laws.

More than 50,000 people have already joined us in urging Attorney General Merrick Garland to establish an independent task force within the Department of Justice to investigate any potential federal criminal or civil violations that may have been committed by former President Trump, members of his administration, or his campaign, business, or other associates.

Now we need your help to sign and share this petition so that we can reach 100,000 signers and demonstrate further popular support to hold Trump accountable.

Sign if you agree: Attorney General Merrick Garland must establish an independent Department of Justice task force to investigate President Trump and his associates.

Free Speech For People argues that the Department of Justice must open an investigation into Trump and his associates on several grounds, including:

  1. Offenses related to former President Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, including his incitement of the January 6, 2021 insurrection at the US Capitol;
  2. Offenses related to the 2016 election that were not prosecuted during the Trump presidency, allegedly because of Department of Justice policy that sitting presidents cannot be indicted. Just last week, news outlets reported that an associate of Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was providing information on the Trump campaign’s strategy and polling to the Russian government;
  3. Offenses related to misuse of the presidency and high office for personal profit, including bribery or extortion;
  4. Other offenses related to the Trump Organization, including tax fraud, bank fraud, or insurance fraud;
  5. Offenses related to the treatment of immigrant children and their families at the U.S.-Mexican border; and
  6. Other offenses, including obstruction of justice, obstruction of the lawful function of federal agencies, and destruction or concealment of federal records.

Sign the petition: The Department of Justice must investigate Trump and his associates for their abuses of power.

In solidarity,

Alexandra Flores-Quilty

Campaign Director, Free Speech For People

Paid for by Free Speech For People
[email protected]

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