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Dear Friends,

We’re checking in with you during Earth Week to ask for your support.  

We hope you will make a donation to Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) and help us reach our goal of raising $3,000 this spring. We need your help to make sure we can continue our critical work to transition New York to a 100% renewable energy system.

AGREE staff from left to right: Jess, Lindsay, Avni, Jessica, Andra, Amber

The last year has shown how interconnected we are with each other and with the environment and how crises impact the most vulnerable, revealing inequities that have always existed. By giving to AGREE, you can take an Earth Week action that will keep us working all year round. We never stop fighting for a just and equitable transition to a carbon-free, nuclear-free energy system, an economy where everyone can thrive, and a balance with the ecosystems we depend on. 

Our budget is small, yet we do a lot with what we have!

Just this week we are collaborating with our allies across NY to:

We are also excited to announce that we are growing! Thanks to the generous support we received last year, we have hired three new staff members! We welcome Avni, Amber, and Jess and look forward to introducing them to you over the coming weeks. 

Please make a tax deductible donation today and share this fundraising email, our fundraising page, and our Facebook fundraiser with your friends.

In deep appreciation and gratitude for believing in AGREE’s mission, for taking action with us, and for supporting this work,

Jessica, Andra, Lindsay, Avni, Amber, and Jess 

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Alliance for a Green Economy is a grassroots operation, working on a shoestring budget to pull off ambitious work. Every dollar we receive is used for public education, coalition building, and advocacy toward a 100% renewable energy system in New York State.
No donation is too small to make a difference.
Copyright © 2017 Alliance for a Green Economy, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you signed up for our mailing list or signed one of our petitions and wanted to stay updated on our campaigns. 

Our mailing address is: 
Alliance for a Green Economy
2013 E Genesee St, Suite 2
Syracuse, NY 13210 United States
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Alliance for a Green Economy · 2013 East Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY, United States · Syracuse, NY 13210 · USA