From Citizens Climate Lobby DC <>
Subject Wednesday! Climate Town Hall w/ Rep. Norton
Date April 20, 2021 1:59 PM
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Plus, exciting news! DC is a cosponsor on the bill!

Dear John -

Did you hear?? Congresswoman Norton has signed onto HR 2307, the Energy Innovation Act! We're sending this note out to our most active volunteers ahead of the Climate Town Hall that our chapter is hosting with Congresswoman Norton.
* Wed, April 21, 6pm: Climate Town Hall with Eleanor Holmes Norton (#townhall)
* Take Action: Thank the Congresswoman (#action)

Wednesday, April 21, 6:00pm ET

** Climate Town Hall with
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton

[link removed]
At this momentous event, hosted by CCL DC and open to the public, Representative Norton will share her beliefs and strategies around climate action and answer questions about viable solutions to climate change, bipartisanship, environmental justice, and more. Attendees will also be invited to raise their own questions, comments and concerns with Representative Norton during the meeting. Please register below, and spread the word!
What: Climate Town Hall with Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton
When: Wednesday, April 21, 6:00pm ET
RSVP: [link removed] ([link removed])
RSVP for Climate Town Hall ([link removed])

** Take Action

We want to show Congresswoman Norton that DC is behind her on this bill! Here are some actions you can take:

1. Contact Rep Norton's office to thank her for co-sponsoring this important climate legislation by using CCL's handy tool:
Write: [link removed]
Call: [link removed]

For bonus points, tell her your favorite part of the bill. You can find more ideas here: [link removed] (http:// [link removed]) or on our action page from our thank you party ([link removed]) last week.
Call Rep. Norton ([link removed])
Write Rep. Norton ([link removed])
2. Double your impact by asking someone you know in your district to also write to your Representative, and to let you know that they wrote.
For future efforts, you and your friends can join our chapter's Monthly Calling Campaign to call your Representative once a month. (Note: Her office has said our calling team is quite effective!) Join here: [link removed] ([link removed])

3. Write a Letter to the Editor that mentions Rep. Norton by name. Using our online LTE tool [link removed] makes it easy!

4. On Thursday (Earth Day 51!), we’ll do our Tweetstorm to thank Rep. Norton for her cosponsorship of the EICDA! Please plan to tweet around noon that day with hashtags #PriceOnPollution and tag @EleanorNorton and @ccl_dc

CCL-DC events: There's a lot going on for the 51st Earth Day but we wanted you to focus on the above. If you've read this far :-) check our chapter calendar on our CCL Community page: [link removed]

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