
Dear John,


The state we love is hurting. HIV outbreaks and overdose deaths are ripping our families and communities apart. Some of our small towns are reeling in the aftermath of recent shootings, close to home. More young people are making their plans to leave. In short, we’re doing the best we can to survive an economy that’s rigged against most of us.


State and local government officials seem determined to make matters worse.


We are ready to do the work it takes to win the kind of government we deserve… even if it won’t come in one election cycle. We’re ready to change the way politics works, one conversation and one community at a time.


That means gearing up for the 2022 now.


We’re starting to hear from people who are already planning to run for their city councils or delegate seats. We’re hearing from folks who want to run slates in their local elections -- so that candidates and volunteers can pool resources against our corporate-backed opponents. (In Morgantown, WV Can’t Wait volunteers are already trying this and learning valuable lessons along the way.)


In early May, we’re gathering a group of leaders to start planning for 2022. As always with WV Can’t Wait, this group will be comprised of the people who are ready to get to work. If that sounds like you, let’s talk. 


Reply to this email, and we’ll find a time for you to connect to me, Katey, or someone else on our team for a conversation.


We can’t wait until 2022 to start building the power for next year’s election, and beyond. The time to start is now.


Hope to hear from you soon,



for the WV Can’t Wait team


PS Check out the latest article in Katey’s 14-part series about rural organizing. This one’s about what it takes to be a movement candidate. And sign up for the full series here.


WV Can't Wait is a movement to win a people's government in the Mountain State. For more information, visit