Want to know what donations are supporting? We subsist 100% on donations and although this hasn't been done before, as change-makers, we are here to break the mould where necessary to be effective so we are reporting to YOU — our funders!!!
* Legislative Update: What we've done and where we are at. What is needed most in this next legislative session?
* Administrative insight: How we work and how we account for our work between the two orgs
* External Collaboration and Speaking: The training, learning, and speaking engagements we've accomplished
* Volunteer Groups: Their work and how used/applied. What is outstanding and where are the needs?
* Fundraising and Grants: A frank look at where we are and where we need to be!
I do not do this work alone and it will be obvious on this Funders Report on how much I rely on the volunteerism and generosity of so many to accomplish our goals. REGISTER HERE.
Thank you for your generosity, belief in our work, and supporting your AAPI leader here in New Jersey.