Maine Conservation Voters


Dear John,

I've proudly supported Maine Conservation Voters for twenty years because they protect Maine’s treasured air and water, the diverse ecosystems that provide life for so many plants and animals, and healthy conditions for us all to live in.

That is why I am asking you to make a special gift today. The team at MCV are working every day for climate justice and protections for our woods, waters, and communities. 

A small group of board members and I feel so strongly about MCV’s climate, equity, and democracy work that we will triple your gift — up to $10,000. Thanks to additional board members who have made match commitments, we have extended this important triple match!

Will you consider making a gift of $35, $50, or whatever you are able to contribute today?


Throughout the year, your support will help MCV:

  • Hold elected officials accountable to the environment. Each year, MCV releases its Environmental Scorecard, which grades legislators’ votes on climate and environmental bills and gives you the information you need to help elect conservation champions.
  • Advocate for strong environmental state policies. MCV works to pass a slate of pro-environment and pro-climate bills each year.
  • Protect voting rights and strengthen our democracy. MCV works for a fair and just voting system – one where the voting booth is equally accessible to all eligible Maine voters.

Your small investment will go a long way towards fighting for climate justice and protecting Maine’s environment. Please chip in whatever you can today, and because of this incredible triple-match, your gift is worth even more!

Together, we can work for a more equitable future for all.

With appreciation,

- Jennifer Melville, Vice President, MCV Board

PS - Please send in your gift to make it count toward the triple match, up to $10,000. Consider spreading your donation throughout the year by joining our monthly donor program, Kennebec Friends. Your one-time or monthly gift will count toward the match. Thank you!







© 2021 Maine Conservation Voters
295 Water St.
Ste. 9
Augusta, ME 04330
United States
