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Tuesday, April 20th, 2021

Why Can’t We ‘Just March Out’ of Afghanistan?

Ron Paul, MD

Straight From the Horse’s Mouth: The Vaccines Are Ineffective

Vasko Kohlmayer

Gates’s Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for the Future of Food

Colin Todhunter

The Movie Follows the Script

James Howard Kunstler

Finally, Germany Is Talking About ‘Dexit’

Sabine Beppler-Spahl

Chelsea Clinton Performs Emergency Brain Surgery on Joe Biden While Refuting Tucker Carlson

Jon Rappoport

So Wait, RUSSIA Got Biden Elected?

In conjuring an excuse for sanctions, White House goes fully nuts. Nebojsa Malic

A Left Turn Toward Biased Ignorance

Issues & Insights

UK Nurses Blow Whistle on Crimes Committed in the Name of Covid

BitChute Video

How Empires End

Jeff Thomas


Ira Katz

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