April 19, 2021
SHARK and our friends at the Humane Farming Association have been tirelessly going after massive rooster breeding/cockfighting operations in Monterey County, CA. This included a lawsuit we filed to have a county anti-cockfighting ordinance enforced.
We recently returned to California and used our drones to see if the County was enforcing the law, which is supposed to limit properties to just 5 roosters unless they have a permit. As you can see in the news story covered by KION, there are still massive illegal rooster operations ongoing.

Watch the entire story HERE, including an interview with Steve Hindi.

• We will let you know what happens next. In the meantime, please politely email the Monterey County Board of Supervisors and ask that they have the law enforced:
District 1 - Supervisor Luis Alejo. [email protected]
District 2 - Supervisor John M. Phillips [email protected]
District 3 - Supervisor Chris Lopez [email protected]
District 4 - Supervisor Wendy Root Askew [email protected]
District 5 - Supervisor Mary Adams [email protected]
Our efforts against animal cruelty are ground-breaking - but they are also very expensive. If you like that we are on the ground in multiple states fighting for animals, then please donate to support our work. Traveling expenses alone can be enormous, so every dollar you give will make a difference. Please click the link below to donate:


As we told you recently, the Disney + streaming service is planning on making a movie glorifying animal abuse at rodeos. The movie, Aloha Rodeo, will glorify steer roping and the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo, the cruelest rodeo in the world.
Earlier this month, SHARK President Steve Hindi was on a special podcast dealing with this issue. You can hear it HERE. Steve can be heard starting at 4 minutes and 45 seconds in.
Watch SHARK's video about the movie HERE
Sign the petition against the movie HERE

SHARK has formed a coalition to stand against this movie:
Last Chance for Animals, Humane Farming Association, Anti Rodeo Action NZ, Fish Feel, Animal Cruelty Exposure Fund, NY, NYCLASS, United Poultry Concern, The Animals Voice Magazine, Animal Alliance of Canada, Animal Protection Party of Canada, The League of Humane Voters-FL, Vancouver Humane Society, Action for Animals, In Defense of Animals, Animal Liberation Queensland, Australia, Dr. Peggy Larson, DVM, Esquire, Stevan Harnad, PhD, Professor of Cognitive Science, Jean-Jacques Kona-Boun, DVM, Donny Moss - Their Turn

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