John, You spoke, and experts listened. A year after its creation by Congress, the bipartisan Syria Study Group released its final report to the public (click to read it here) in an event featuring Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Mitt Romney (R-UT). AFS was there to engage the report's authors and push for a response to chemical attacks recently confirmed by the State Department. The group was charged by Congress to analyze the conflict and provide Representatives and Senators recommendations on what U.S. policy should be. This document will be a key tool to influence congressional action and debate on Syria. With your help, Americans for a Free Syria met with members of the Syria Study Group and provided our own recommendations for what our military and diplomatic strategy should be—and the final report reflected our input. The group's final recommendations and analysis to Congress include: -
Assad has not won the war. -
Syria is a limited engagement and should not be grouped with "forever wars" like Iraq and Afghanistan. -
ISIS is not defeated. Halt any withdrawal of U.S. troops until gains against ISIS and other groups are cemented. -
Maintain multilateral political and economic pressure to force the Assad regime to the negotiating table. -
Stop "mass civilian homicide" from continuing in Idlib province, where 3 million civilians have nowhere to flee. -
Press the UN to increase aid transparency, to ensure aid is neutral and does not benefit Assad. -
Name and shame Russia for its commission of war crimes and its ongoing support to those committed by Assad. -
Focus on expelling Iranian agents and proxies out of the country. | |
Most importantly, the report calls for the passage of the Caesar Act to hold Syria, Russian, and Iranian war criminals accountable. Please support our efforts to pass this bill into law by the end of the year! | |