
This weekend the Atlantic, a liberal media outlet, decided to publish a new profile on Beth and while we expected it to be a hack job, we did not expect them to dive into such rank sexism and personal insults.

They called her "a blond 44-year old with Disney-Princess Bone Structure".

You read that right! Instead of describing Beth as an accomplished public official, businesswoman, or even a single mom who is putting two kids through college, they made her into a cartoon character because by de-humanizing her it's easier, in their minds, to attack her, lie about her, and assault her strong moral character.

If this was the description conservative media had used about a Democrat, there would be endless commentary about it on liberal media outlets. But so far, not a peep.

We know they are just scared of a strong Conservative Congresswoman who is fighting for us every day in Washington.

But she can not continue to stand up for us each and every day if we do not have her back also.

Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress