This Earth Day, I’m feeling more hopeful than ever before about our planet’s future!
For one, I’m inspired by YOUR commitment and activism to stabilize global population and ensure a better future for all of Earth’s inhabitants. People like you don’t shy away from the “elephant in the room” of overpopulation!
Neither does our generous Earth Day Matching Gift sponsor, JoAnne Miller, who hopes to inspire you by matching your gift of $35.00, dollar for dollar, up to $6,000!
It is our shared dedication that will allow us to stabilize global population and tackle Earth’s most monumental of all environmental problems: climate change.
When others can’t or won’t make the connection between population growth and climate change, Population Connection will. And your support makes this possible!
So, I hope you’ll accept JoAnne Miller’s Earth Day Challenge and contribute today…you can DOUBLE your impact on our programs and positively affect all of our futures.
Thank you for all that you do,

Shauna Scherer
VP for Marketing and Development