Sign the petition to hold Big Polluters liable for the damage they've caused


Since the 1970s, Big Polluters like Exxon, Shell and others have known about the climate crisis — and they’ve spent billions of dollars to manipulate politicians, the media, and the public into delaying action. The consequences of their greed have been devastating. 

The climate crisis isn’t just about the science; it’s also about the politics and economics. For decades, Big Polluters have raked in billions in profits while tipping the political scales in their favor. While they profit, the rest of us pay. We don’t get a check from Big Oil when the refinery in our town makes us sick, or a hurricane destroys our home. 

Enough is enough. Already, communities across the globe are fighting to hold polluting industries like Big Oil and agribusiness liable for the damage they’ve caused us.

It’s time for all of us to add our voices to demand that governments everywhere make Big Polluters pay for the damage they’ve caused. Add your name to the global petition today.

Holding corporate polluters accountable for the climate crisis is a vital step towards real climate justice. We need community-focused approaches to the climate crisis like keeping fossil fuels in the ground, the restoration of vital ecosystems, and other solutions enshrined in the People’s Demands for Climate Justice1.

Last week, over 7 million of us around the world took to the streets as part of the Global Climate Strike. Now, it’s time to turn the energy in the streets into targeted pressure on our elected officials. 

We can’t allow our governments to let Big Polluters determine what the solutions to the climate crisis will be. Unless we demand community-centered climate justice, we’ll get more of the same corporate-centered climate injustice that got us in this mess.

There’s no time to waste. Sign here and tell our elected officials to hold corporate polluters accountable for the climate crisis. It’s time to make them pay.



1 - The People's Demands for Climate JusticePeople's Demands is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
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