NDTC Blue Bench Training This Saturday

The National Democratic Training Committee returns to Oklahoma for a Fall Blue Bench Training this Saturday, October 5th, 2019, 9 AM- 4:30 PM at Metro Technology Center - Springlake 1900 Springlake Dr. Interested individuals can register at the links provided.
NDTC’s Blue Bench Training Program provides three complete training tracks during a full training day, with each training tailored to meet the needs of our participants! Our training content is highly participatory and action-oriented in its design.
In this program, we arrange our trainings by audience so that you receive the best context and practice sessions during your day. Our audiences are: Candidate and Potential Candidate; Campaign Staff (Including Volunteer Staff); and Local Party Infrastructure.
Within your particular track, you will be trained in the following content areas: Communications, Digital, Field, and Fundraising.
Below are the particular skills that you will gain during the course of your day with the NDTC:
Candidate Audience Track:
- “How to Develop Your Story of Self”: This communications training teaches you to understanding connecting to an audience, practice sharing your story of self, and recognize all of your interests as a candidate.
- “How to Tell Your Story Online”: This digital training teaches you to use your voice in telling your story online, recognize how to engage with an audience, and write for social media platforms.
- “How to Identify and Persuade Voters”: This field training teaches you to identify which voters you need to win, practice conversations with voters, and prepare how to increase your volunteer numbers.
- “How to Fundraise Effectively”: This fundraising training teaches you to recognize the importance of mindset for fundraising, practice fundraising asks, and organize and prioritize your donor list.
Staff Audience Track:
- “How to Develop Your Story of Self”: This communications training teaches you to connect with the campaign’s audience, practice sharing your story of self, and recognize all of your interests.
- “How to Tell Your Campaign’s Story Online”: This digital training teaches you to develop your campaign’s voice, recognize how to build and engage your audience, and write digital calls to action.
- “How to Identify Voters and Increase Volunteer Capacity”: This field training teaches you to understand the staff roles in a campaign, elevate your volunteer team, and practice how to calculate key field numbers.
- “How to Fundraise Effectively”: This fundraising training teaches you to recognize the importance of mindset for your team, organize your campaign’s donor list, and develop a fundraising strategy.
Local Party Infrastructure:
- “How to Create Your Message”: This communications training teaches you to understand your group’s core values, practice power mapping your community, and connect your values to your community.
- “How to Connect Authentically Using Digital Tools”: This digital training teaches you to understand misconceptions about digital organizing, connect online engagements to offline organizing, and practice using digital tools.
- “How to Grow Your Organization”: This field training teaches you to practice values-based conversations, demonstrate an introductory 1:1 conversation, and understand how to escalate a volunteer into leadership.
- “How to Fundraise Effectively” This fundraising training teaches you to organize your group’s fundraising list, practice making a hard ask, and understand parts of fundraising events.

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