From Electoral College NIGHTMARE [MFA] <[email protected]>
Subject FiveThirtyEight's troubling news →
Date April 19, 2021 5:40 PM
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300% MATCH ACTIVATED: Donate $5 to ABOLISH the Electoral College →

IN 2000: Bush lost the popular vote

IN 2016: Trump lost the popular vote

AND IN 2020: Biden almost LOST the Presidency, despite winning the popular vote by over 7 million votes

And FiveThirtyEight just issued a troubling warning:

"Even Though Biden Won, Republicans Enjoyed The Largest Electoral College Edge In 70 Years."

We can't wait any longer. We MUST abolish the Electoral College.

If you believe that every vote should truly count in our Elections, chip in to our Abolish the Electoral College Fund now! All donations are 300% MATCHED until our deadline tomorrow night →

300% MATCH $5 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $25 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH ANOTHER AMOUNT ➡︎ [link removed]

We know that the Electoral College is an archaic tool that suppresses voters and benefits Republicans.

That's why we need to take advantage of our Democratic Trifecta and ABOLISH this corrupt system, once and for all.

If we don't, Trump's army of Republicans could steal future elections and destroy all of the work Progressives have done.

We need 1,000 donations to our Abolish the Electoral College Fund before our deadline tomorrow at midnight.

Don't think twice. Just donate now to END the Electoral College:

300% MATCH $5 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $25 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $50 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $100 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $250 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH ANOTHER AMOUNT ➡︎ [link removed]

Let's do this!

-Team MFA

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