We want to be the first to relay the great news.

Thanks to a surge of donations coming in just before our deadline on Monday, we not only reached our end-of-quarter goal -- we exceeded it!

From pulling the reports, we can see that it was, in fact, small grassroots donations that carried us over the finish line.

It means everything to have you by our side. Thank you.

As you know, Lori likely will be facing a primary next year. And we can guarantee Republicans will be using every trick in the book to take back seats around the country -- including ours in the Third District.

Check out this article from the Boston Globe with some updates on the state of the race. We can't take anything for granted. But we know that if we stick together, we’ll be ready for whatever comes at us.

Thank you again for a strong third quarter, and for everything you do.


Team Trahan