
For over a year our country and the entire world have been combatting a global pandemic unprecedented in our lifetimes. We’ve completely changed how we work, play, and celebrate — all to keep one another safe from illness and help our frontline workers save lives. This week, at long last, every American adult is eligible to receive a vaccine against this deadly virus. At our fingertips right now is the ability to bring this horrible disease under control.

Scientific study and scrutiny tell us that these vaccines are safe and extremely effective, not only at lowering your risk of getting the virus, but also at preventing severe cases that require hospitalization.

This time last year in New Jersey, we were experiencing some of the darkest days of this pandemic. As I got my shot, I thought about those we lost, and the family and communities they left behind. I am so grateful to the diverse group of scientists, researchers, doctors, even delivery people who have worked tirelessly on developing and distributing these vaccines to ensure that more families will not have to know that loss.

The hard truth is that we’re not done with the pandemic yet.

Hopefully, many of you reading this are among the over 125 million Americans who have received at least one dose of the vaccine, but we still have a long way to go. If you are just now becoming eligible or maybe have yet to make your appointment, I want to personally encourage you to make the first appointment you can to get one of these safe and effective vaccines.

Everyone who gets a vaccine is doing their part to get us out of this crisis. You’re helping students get back to full-time in-person school, you’re making it easier for small businesses & local restaurants to conduct business, and — most importantly — you’re protecting the most vulnerable in your family & community.

I have another important ask: take this short survey on the vaccine, and I might share your story! People rely the most on family and friends’ experiences when deciding whether to get a vaccine. The best way to increase trust in these vaccines is for those who have already gotten them to testify to their benefits.


So please, make an appointment to get your vaccine today. If you already have an appointment, reach out to your family, friends, and community to see if you can help anyone secure or get to an appointment.

If we can come together, work together, then we can rise together — in-person — again.

