
Tim "Izzy" Israel supports term limits for Congress so much that he is literally hiking across the country to stand up to the professional politicians in D.C. and raise awareness for the cause of term limits.

Izzy has already hiked from Key West, Florida and across Alabama.  Tennessee, where we are battling to bypass Congress and call the Term Limits Convention, is next.

Izzy has put his entire life on hold to support term limits.  Now WE need to support him in this great endeavor.

Please make a generous donation to help USTL provide Izzy with a rented camper and public relations help he needs to make across the U.S. and raise awareness for our cause.

This brave man knows that America is in trouble.  He understands that term limits are supported by a vast majority of Americans of all political stripes.

That's why he's hiking across America.

But he needs supplies, this rental camper and a one-man USTL support crew to drive while he walks every day as well as to help with publicity events along the way.

Please do what you can.

Right now, U.S. Term Limits doesn't have the funds in our budget to support Izzy.  

But we believe it's critical that we do help this brave and determined man to take a stand for what is right.

He's scheduling his hike to visit the states where the battle to pass the Term Limits Convention is raging right now.

He will get the press coverage we need to convince more states to call the Term Limits Convention.

Izzy is helping us.  Now we need to help Izzy.

Please do what you can.  

Izzy's hike could all by itself convince wavering state legislators to support term limits for the U.S. House and Senate.

Thank you!

Philip Blumel



U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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