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We need just $12,923 to reach our April goal.
Friend of Israel,
Today, a vocal minority in Congress continues their push to weaken U.S. security assistance to Israel.
We need your help to push back.
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Please act now to show your support of AIPAC and help our work with Congress to back full security assistance to our ally Israel.
Annual U.S. security assistance to Israel is an essential component of America’s national security strategy.
In addition to keeping our ally safe, this assistance creates American jobs at home, protects American interests abroad, and promotes global progress.
Cutting American security assistance to Israel now would be detrimental to Israel’s security given the threats the Jewish state faces:
To Israel’s north, Hezbollah now has an arsenal of more than 150,000 missiles and rockets—many capable of precisely targeting any location in Israel. Last year, Hezbollah fighters cut holes in Israel’s fence along the Lebanese border, sending an implicit threat that it could breach the barrier and attack Israel.
To the south, Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza have launched more than 2,600 rockets at Israel since January 2018. This month, Hamas formally submitted a slate of candidates for the upcoming Palestinian elections.
To the northeast, Iran has dramatically expanded its aggression, launching recent attacks on maritime traffic and America’s Arab allies. Last year, Iran carried out a cyberattack on Israel's water infrastructure, an attempt to poison Israelis by injecting deadly levels of chlorine into the civilian water supply.
Meanwhile, the U.N. Human Rights Council approved four new resolutions singling out Israel and delegitimizing the Jewish state. Since its founding, the UNHRC has passed more resolutions condemning Israel than against Iran, Syria, North Korea, China, Cuba and Venezuela combined.
This is NOT the moment to weaken the alliance between America and our only stable democratic ally in the Middle East.
Now is the time to accelerate our advocacy, not retreat from it.
Our April deadline is just 11 days away and we are $12,923 short of our goal.
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Please help us make a powerful statement to lawmakers and to anti-Israel detractors that America stands with Israel.
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Your gift will help educate members of Congress, mobilize grassroots support for the U.S.-Israel partnership, and make the case for new initiatives that enhance the security of both countries.
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Please stand with us by April 30 by joining AIPAC today.
Thank you,
Brian Shankman
Director of Regional Affairs and Development
The mission of AIPAC is to strengthen and expand the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel.
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