Murrah Bombing Anniversary | Oklahoma General Educates Children | OSDH Whistleblower Steps Forward Published Monday, April 19, 2021 This week at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club AT NOON WEDNESDAY Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club HOPPER SMITH BRIGADIER GENERAL, Retired How this former military General is Helping to Educate Oklahoma's Kids Since July 1, 1914, the little-known Opportunity Scholarship Fund has allowed Oklahomans to receive income tax credits for donations to the private school of their choice. Those funds have been used to provide tuition dollars enabling low-income families to provide their children with excellence in education. Hopper Smith is President of the Opportunity Scholarship Fund. This Wednesday, he will explain how participation in the fund provides the taxpayer an alternative to Oklahoma's tax liabilities. More than 70 private schools in Oklahoma pass these benefits on to low-income students. The program enables these children's parents to afford the tuition needed to attend these schools. These schools are not just in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. They cover much of Oklahoma including Chickasha, Ardmore, Bartlesville, Clinton, Durant, Elk City, Lawton, McAlister, and Stillwater to name a few. Most Oklahoma children (86%) live within 30 minutes of a private school. Tulsa's Sarah Guardiola is the Executive Director of the fund and will join Hopper for the presentation this Wednesday. Sarah is CEO of Guardiola Consulting a firm with an international footprint. This will be a continuation of the emphasis OCPAC has placed on education this year. Education is the key to recovering our national integrity. It is an irreplaceable component in the work of recovering the foundations of Western Civilization. COME WEDNESDAY TO HEAR ALL THESE HERETOFORE HIDDEN ISSUES ADDRESSED PUBLICALLY ____________________ REMEMBERING THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING KEN BLOOD CHARLES KEY Helping Us Remember Ken Blood and Charles Key put together the grand jury which investigated the various allegations regarding those who might have had ties to Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, the mysterious "John Doe 2", and others. Ken and Charles will talk about the reasons they formed a grand jury to investigate the many news reports surrounding the bombing. Conspiracy theories were abundant and continue to this day. Of John Doe 2, one reporter for the Washington Post said: Maybe he'll be captured and convicted someday. If not, he'll remain eternally at large, the one who got away, the mystery man at the center of countless conspiracy theories. It's possible that he never lived. It's likely that he'll never die. ALSO AT OUR LUNCHEON: ON THE IMPORTANCE OF YOUR ACTIVISM PART II Senator Shane Jett will spend a few minutes with us to communicate some additional training points on how we can use our time throughout the week to help change the face of Oklahoma. We need a tenacious, aggressive, and activated army of fearless men, women, and children who will penetrate the tyranny which now presents itself against the American people. May Oklahoma rise to the top and be the people to slay this wicked dragon. _______________ MEETING LOCATION Oklahoma City Golf & Country Club 7000 NW Grand Blvd. Nichols Hills, OK 73116 WEDNESDAY REGISTRATION & DRINKS at 11:30 A.M. MEETING FROM NOON to 1:15 PM FREE to those 18-years old and under FREE to college students 21-years old and under. $5 entry for all others No lunch Table of Contents BOB LINN Three Anniversaries The Many & the Few LAST WEEK Steve Anderson Mike Romero State Auditor & Inspector Oklahoma Department of Health TWO WEEKS AGO DR. LEE MERRITT URGENT CALLS TO SENATE RALLY TUESDAY FOR LIBERTY 4th Floor Rotunda 6 PM FATHER DUMPS DAUGHTER'S SCHOOL Letter to Administration MARCO RUBIO Letter to MLB STATE AUDITOR Silence ends at just over 140 Days Key Witness Steps Forward RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Renew Today WATCH OAN NEWS OCPAC WAR CHEST Keep us Growing for the Future ________________ Prior Week Entries of Continued Importance ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH Curtis Bowers | Trevor Loudon ________________ ARCHIVES CHINA VIRUS Links to our past COVID-related articles _____________ BOOKS BENHAM BROTHERS ROD DREHER SAMUEL BLUMENFELD ALEX NEWMAN Was this newsletter forwarded by a friend? Sign up to get your own copy here. Sign up here. BOB LINN Three Anniversaries The Many & the Few Today marks three events known by the way in which the actions of a few impacted the many. MURRAH BOMBING 9:01 AM April 19, 1995 This coming Wednesday, OCPAC will remember the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building. Twenty-six years ago today, at 9:01 AM, the work of Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, and others brought to an abrupt end the lives of more than 100 people in Oklahoma City. Men lost wives, women lost husbands, children lost parents and parents lost children. Ken Blood and Charles Key played a central role in uncovering a story that did not want to be told. They tell me that there remains quite a grand assortment of hidden government jewels of truth waiting to see the light of day. This Wednesday, they will discuss some of those jewels. LEXINGTON 5 AM April 19, 1775 On today’s date, two hundred forty-six years ago, someone fired a shot in Lexington, Massachusetts. It began when British troops arrived in Lexington around 5 AM. The shot represented the articles of war which set in motion the armed battle for American independence from a tyrant in Britain who had made life in the colonies unbearable. To this day, we do not know who fired the shot, but it was heard around the world. It has resonated through more than two centuries. The fight for liberty which unfolded set in motion the development of the most powerful nation in the world and would send record numbers of Christian missionaries to the nations. This past weekend, national leaders gathered in Tulsa to speak to thousands of Christian patriots wanting to re-establish those foundations. The final speaker was Bill Cook, founder of America’s Black Robe Regiment. Bill spoke of the importance of our mission to recover our mission. He gave away a copy of Dan Fisher’s book, The Black Robed Regiment, to a pastor who promised to read it within the next 30 days. He challenged the many pastors in attendance to pick up the mantle of leadership and usher in a period of national renewal. Order your copy of Dan's book here. AMERICA March 11, 2020 Last month, on March 11, the Whitehouse issued comments about the "one year anniversary" of the closing of America. March represented the anniversary of the war against the spiritual and economic foundation of America. It marked the year that the Christian foundations of American culture were eviscerated from the memories of our corporations, educational institutions, seminaries, and churches. At the core is a relative handful of individuals at war against the masses who prefer liberty. The fruit of the evil propagated in 2020 continues to ripen in 2021 as we see the unfolding of unthinkable events from sea to sea, including corporate America's execution of judgement on the state of Georgia. Last month also marked the month that America’s schools were closed. Government education has not been an asset to American culture. The chaos created by the government’s response to COVID had one bright light. It caused American families to re-think their educational objectives and options. Below is a portion of a letter written by a father who will no longer pay $58,000 per year to send his young daughter to a New York school now dedicated to the destruction of Western Civilization. This Wednesday, Brigadier General (retired) Hopper Smith will lead a discussion of the work he is doing to offer educational options in the private sector to Oklahoma families. Tulsa’s Sara Guardiola will join him and the two will speak about ways you and I can strengthen Oklahoma’s cultural foundations through private education. America's hopes for recovery lies in the family, the pulpit, and the classroom. Hopper & Sara will bring us specific points of hope for the classroom. ____________ I'll see you this Wednesday! God bless! LAST WEEK Last Wednesday, Steve Anderson provided an introduction to some of what we have learned about the State Auditor and Inspector's office and the Oklahoma Department of Health. The day before the meeting, a highly placed whistle-blower contacted Bob Linn. Mike Romero was the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the State Department of Health. He is the one who brought to the public the financial problems at play in the Department of Health. Mike was at the OCPAC luncheon. Steve referred to the important role he played in the effort to uncover the problems at the Oklahoma Department of Health. Thanks to Mr. Romero, all our suspicions have been confirmed and we have much more additional information as to the issues which still need to come to light. You will find that just past the 13 minute mark in the meeting here. It is well worth viewing! ___________ Representative J. J. Humphry stepped out of the legislature on Wednesday to make comments on his work in the bureaucracies of Oklahoma. He had some compelling information regarding the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. His portion begins just past the 5 minute mark here. __________ Charlie Meadows entertained us with an entertaining auctioneering performance and was able to raise $300 for OCPAC for a $50 basket of sweets. This section began at the 9:50 minute mark here. ___________ Last year, OCPAC endorsed around eight different legislators who are freshmen this year and represent a bright future for Oklahoma government. This portion of our meeting begins at the 36 minute mark here. __________ Shane Jett wrapped up our meeting with an excellent 10 minutes of activist training. Find that at the 56 minute mark here. View the meeting here. _______________ TWO WEEKS AGO Dr. LEE MERRITT VIEW TWO SESSIONS OF DR. LEE MERRITT: OCPAC PRESENTATION HERE QUESTION AND ANSWER AT FAIRVIEW BAPTIST HERE __________________ FORMER PFIZER EXECUTIVE WARNS OF VACCINE AGENDA Yeadon warns that vaccines and vaccine passports are “nothing but a form of totalitarian control,” and are part of “a Psyop agenda.” “In the last year, I have realized that my government and its advisers are lying in the faces of the British people about everything to do with this coronavirus.” Yeadon says everyone should “fight like crazy to make sure that [vaccine passport] system never forms.” Read more here. We were reminded of this news item through AGENDA WEEKLY, a publication of author, speaker, and film-maker, Curtis Bowers. Sign up for Agenda Weekly here. RALLY TO PROTECT OKLAHOMA CITIZENS OKLAHOMA CAPITOL ROTUNA 4th Floor 6 PM Tomorrow (Tuesday, April 20) In a move to protect the citizens in Oklahoma from unconstitutional executive orders from Washington, D.C., Charles McCall, Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, has authored House Bill 1236 calling for legislative review of White House actions against the citizens of Oklahoma. Speaker McCall’s bill was co-authored by 74 additional Oklahoma Representatives. The bill passed easily in the 101-member body. The Governor is anxious to sign it. In the Senate, it passed easily out of committee. It is facing blockage in the effort to get it to the floor. CALL YOUR SENATOR NOW!!!!! Find your Senator here. ________________ JOIN THE RALLY FOR LIBERTY TUESDAY 6 PM ROTUNDA Grass roots Oklahoma will gather on the 4th floor of the Capitol Rotunda tomorrow (Tuesday, April 20) at 6 PM. There will be speakers from both houses of the Oklahoma Legislature as well as leaders from Oklahoma’s grass roots, including Don Spencer, President of OK2A, Bob Linn, President of OCPAC, and Liza Greve, Founder of OKHPR. Full schedule of events: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Meet with legislators 5:00 – 6:00 PM Pizza dinner in the 4th-floor rotunda. Bring your own water bottle! 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM Rally in the 4th-floor rotunda 6:30 PM 5th floor House Gallery Hear grass-root bills scheduled for votes FATHER DUMPS DAUGHTER'S SCHOOL Brearley is a private all-girls school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It costs $54,000 a year. Prospective families have to take an anti-racism pledge to be considered for admission. A very articulate and informed Andrew Gutmann chose to pull his daughter. She has attended Brearley since kindergarten. Last week, he sent a scathing letter regarding the intellectual health of the school to the more than 600 parents with daughters in the school in an effort to foster a course correction. I am publishing elements of the letter below. You may read the complete letter here. _______________________ A PORTION OF THE LETTER: April 13, 2021 Dear Fellow Brearley Parents, Our family recently made the decision not to re-enroll our daughter at Brearley for the 2021-22 school year. She has been at Brearley for seven years, beginning in kindergarten. In short, we no longer believe that Brearley’s administration and Board of Trustees have any of our children’s best interests at heart. Moreover, we no longer have confidence that our daughter will receive the quality of education necessary to further her development into a critically thinking, responsible, enlightened, and civic minded adult. I write to you, as a fellow parent, to share our reasons for leaving the Brearley community but also to urge you to act before the damage to the school, to its community, and to your own child's education is irreparable. It cannot be stated strongly enough that Brearley’s obsession with race must stop. It should be abundantly clear to any thinking parent that Brearley has completely lost its way. The administration and the Board of Trustees have displayed a cowardly and appalling lack of leadership by appeasing an anti-intellectual, illiberal mob, and then allowing the school to be captured by that same mob. What follows are my own personal views on Brearley's antiracism initiatives, but these are just a handful of the criticisms that I know other parents have expressed. I object to the view that I should be judged by the color of my skin. I cannot tolerate a school that not only judges my daughter by the color of her skin, but encourages and instructs her to prejudge others by theirs. By viewing every element of education, every aspect of history, and every facet of society through the lens of skin color and race, we are desecrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and utterly violating the movement for which such civil rights leaders believed, fought, and died. I object to the charge of systemic racism in this country, and at our school. Systemic racism, properly understood, is segregated schools and separate lunch counters. It is the interning of Japanese and the exterminating of Jews. Systemic racism is unequivocally not a small number of isolated incidences over a period of decades. Ask any girl, of any race, if they have ever experienced insults from friends, have ever felt slighted by teachers or have ever suffered the occasional injustice from a school at which they have spent up to 13 years of their life, and you are bound to hear grievances, some petty, some not. We have not had systemic racism against Blacks in this country since the civil rights reforms of the 1960s, a period of more than 50 years. To state otherwise is a flat-out misrepresentation of our country's history and adds no understanding to any of today's societal issues. If anything, longstanding and widespread policies such as affirmative action, point in precisely the opposite direction. I object to a definition of systemic racism, apparently supported by Brearley, that any educational, professional, or societal outcome where Blacks are underrepresented is prima facie evidence of the aforementioned systemic racism, or of white supremacy and oppression. Facile and unsupported beliefs such as these are the polar opposite to the intellectual and scientific truth for which Brearley claims to stand. Furthermore, I call bullshit on Brearley's oft-stated assertion that the school welcomes and encourages the truly difficult and uncomfortable conversations regarding race and the roots of racial discrepancies. I object to the idea that Blacks are unable to succeed in this country without aid from government or from whites. Brearley, by adopting critical race theory, is advocating the abhorrent viewpoint that Blacks should forever be regarded as helpless victims, and are incapable of success regardless of their skills, talents, or hard work. What Brearley is teaching our children is precisely the true and correct definition of racism. l object to Brearley’s advocacy for groups and movements such as Black Lives Matter, a Marxist, anti family, heterophobic, anti-Asian and anti-Semitic organization that neither speaks for the majority of the Black community in this country, nor in any way, shape or form, represents their best interests. Lastly, I object, with as strong a sentiment as possible, that Brearley has begun to teach what to think, instead of how to think. I object that the school is now fostering an environment where our daughters, and our daughters’ teachers, are afraid to speak their minds in class for fear of “consequences.” I object that Brearley is trying to usurp the role of parents in teaching morality, and bullying parents to adopt that false morality at home. I object that Brearley is fostering a divisive community where families of different races, which until recently were part of the same community, are now segregated into two. These are the reasons why we can no longer send our daughter to Brearley. Respectfully, Andrew Gutmann We must all begin to speak out against the destructive ideas which the enemies of Christianity are using to destroy the cultural foundations of America. Read Andrew Gutmann's complete letter here. MARCO RUBIO LETTER TO Major League Baseball Commissioner: YOUR ARE AN UNAMERICAN HYPOCRITE ________________________________ April 5, 2021 Mr. Robert Manfred Commissioner Major League Baseball 1271 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Dear Commissioner Manfred: I write to ask you whether you intend to maintain your membership at Augusta National Golf Club. As you are well aware, the exclusive members-only club is located in the State of Georgia. Last week, you “decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year’s All-Star Game” from Atlanta because of Georgia’s revised election law. It is a decision that will have a bigger impact on countless small and minor ity owned businesses in and around Atlanta, than the new election law ever will. And one that reeks of hypocrisy. Will Major League Baseball now end its engagement with nations that do not hold elections at all like China and Cuba? Will you end your lucrative financial relationship with Tencent, a company with deep ties to the Communist Party and actively helps the Chinese Government hunt down and silence political dissidents? Since Major League Baseball now appears eager to use its “platform” to demonstrate “unwavering support” for fundamental human rights, will you cease your relationship with the Chinese Government, which at this very moment is committing genocide against the Uyghurs Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR)? I am, of course, under no expectation any of this will happen. Taking the All-Star game out of Georgia is an easy way to signal virtues without significant financial fallout. But speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party would involve a significant loss of revenue and being closed out of a lucrative market. In the end, as a citizen of a free nation you, and Major League Baseball, have the right to speak out against laws in the U.S. you disagree with, even if it is on the basis of false information. What would be truly bold, however, is if you would speak out on behalf of the voiceless who face arbitrary imprisonment, forced sterilization, coerced abortions, rape, and other horrific acts at the hands of one of your business partners. I am under no illusion that Major League Baseball will sacrifice business revenue on behalf of its alleged corporate values. Similarly, I am under no illusion you intend to resign as a member from Augusta National Golf Club. To do so would require a personal sacrifice, as opposed to the woke corporate virtue signaling of moving the All Star Game from Atlanta. Sincerely, Marco Rubio U.S. Senator ________________________ MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL is no longer AMERICA'S GAME Let your friends & family know! Forward this newsletter or send a link to the Rubio letter. STATE AUDITOR After 140 Days of Silence WE HAVE SOME INFORMATION by Bob Linn Last Wednesday, Steve Anderson, my subject matter expert, brought you up to date with what we have discovered thus far. We learned of the past of the SA&I office and its relationship to the Oklahoma Department of Health. The day before last week's meeting, a highly placed whistle-blower contacted Bob Linn. Mike Romero was the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the State Department of Health. He is the one who brought to the public the financial problems at play in the Department of Health. He was at the OCPAC luncheon to listen to Steve's presentation at the 13 minute mark here. On January 27, 2021, Steve Anderson made his first presentation at OCPAC regarding the situation. Watch January's OCPAC meeting video here. Steve begins speaking at just past the 7 minute mark Lack of transparency in government is a grave concern to all taxpayers. I will keep you updated. TIME TO RENEW OCPAC MEMBERSHIPS If you are on a monthly draft, you are fine. However, all others will need to renew. Not already a member? Join the fight! Sign up here! Renew your membership here. In addition to a number of great programs on FOX ... OAN joins the effort to promote truth in news broadcasting. OAN has been a news source that is not sold out to leftist ideology. One America News Network is owned by Herring Networks, Inc. Herring Networks, Inc. is a family-owned and operated, independent media company focused on providing high quality national television programming to consumers via its national cable networks. The for-profit company was established in 2004 and has its primary production operations in California and Washington, DC. You can find One America News Network on the national providers: AT&T U-verse – 208 (SD) and 1208 (HD) CenturyLink PRISM – 208 (SD) and 1208 (HD) DirecTV – 347 GCI – 64 (SD) and 703 (HD) Verizon FiOS – 116 (SD) and 616 (HD) Find OAN on Oklahoma network: Cherokee Telephone on Ch. 244 (SD) and 306 (HD) Find OAN here. Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest. KEEP US GROWING FOR THE FUTURE 100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed. Mail Checks to: OCPAC P.O. Box 2021 Edmond, OK 73083 DONATE HERE God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma! PRIOR WEEK ENTRIES of Continued Importance ENEMIES WITHIN THE CHURCH By Bob Linn Pastor Cary Gordon narrates this soon-to-be-released film exposing the Marxist infiltration into America's churches, seminaries, and Christian missionary movements. Those involved in the film include Trevor Loudon and Curtis Bowers. This film exposes shocking developments throughout the entire breadth of 21st century Christendom. Protestants, Catholics, and the Orthodox church have been infiltrated. Our beloved evangelistic organizations have seen wolves in sheep's clothing rise to the very top. The head of the Russian Orthodox church is a KGB agent. The Pope is a Marxist. The evangelical church has been deeply penetrated. That penetration goes to the very top of institutions we thought were rock solid. This includes the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the Southern Baptist Church, the former Campus Crusade for Christ (now, CRU), and many others. The evidence is iron clad. I was on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ and worked with founder and President, Dr. Bill Bright. Sadly, I have been made aware that Marxist concepts have become pervasive at their national conferences over the past few years. It is both clear and stunning. Marxist language is now a part of their programs on campuses throughout the nation. I've also spent many years in the Southern Baptist Church. In addition, my wife and I founded a PCA church in our living room many years ago. In spite of my close relationship with all these institutions, the evidence of their fall from Godliness is overwhelming. In the near future, I plan to focus on the developments within the organization I once knew as Campus Crusade for Christ. It is important to expose these enemies who have crept into Christendom. These have entered our Christian institutions in an effort to destroy the Church. The "gospel" they promote will bear no fruit. Marxist ideology mixed with Bible verses will produce neither salvation nor the health, peace, and prosperity of civilizations. Marxist concepts like social justice, critical race theory and the myths inherent in the concept of "white privilege" are ungodly, contrary to all of the Scriptures, and represent evil and destructive weapons designed to destroy the church, the family, and societies. They are drenched in narcissism and hatred. These ideas, now permeating most of our seminaries and academic institutions (beginning in elementary school), will soon destroy the nation if we do not expose them for the evil they represent. PLEASE HELP US FINISH THIS PROJECT BY CONTRIBUTING HERE. $40,000 is needed to complete the film. Consider the opportunity prayerfully. Thanks! Watch the Trailer here. ARCHIVES ... COVID CONTINUING IN THE NEWS FOR YOUR INFORMATION AS THE LEFTIST MEDIA CONTINUES TO POUND AWAY AT A DEBUNKED THEORY To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues: Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020 Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020 History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020 China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020 Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020 California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020 The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020 Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020 “Never Again!” __________________ Get the OCPAC email sent to your inbox every Monday Sign up here. BENHAM BROTHERS Books Order these well-received books written by the Benham Brothers today! Living Among Lions Whatever the Cost Bold and Broken ___________________ BOOK OF THE MONTH Live Not by Lies Rod Dreher This is the book Charlie recommends. Buy it from Christian Books here. Buy it from Amazon here. __________________ Other Books Recommended Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman. Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text, NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education. OCPAC | P.O. Box 2021, Edmond, OK 73083 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Customer Contact Data Notice Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!