Green Party members are helping to organize events from Earth Day to May Day to highlight the urgent need for climate change, and to make the connection to the need for overall system change including environmental justice, labor rights and grassroots democracy.
The Greens, who started calling for an ecosocialist Green New Deal in the U.S. in 2010, recently called for Congress to pass a $4.1 trillion a year (for 10 years) green economic stimulus to create 30 million jobs and accelerate the transition to 100% renewable energy from all sources by 2030. Biden is reportedly considering a one-time, $3 trillion green infrastructure stimulus, though only about $400 billion for direct climate measures.
Organize with the Green Party!
Sign-up to become an organizing member, donate to the progressive greens or to learn more about the Illinois Green Party at The earth cannot wait any longer.
April 22th, 7pm CST Livestream
Chris Blankenhorn, ILGP Secretary and Hawkins/Walker 2020 Tech and Social Media Director, will be going live to discuss Howie's Ecosocialist Green New Deal, how it differs from the Democrats (now unmentioned) Green New Deal, and what we need to do to organize to win a REAL Green New Deal.

Sat, April 24th, 2pm CST
Campaign Tech Organizing
Sat, April 24th, 6pm CST
Eco-Socialism: An Introduction - Organizing to Replace Capitalism with the Solidarity Economy
Special Earth Day Speaker Rich Whitney, Green Eco-Socialist Network & Co-Chair of the Illinois Green Party
Hosted by the College of Complexes
Weds, April 28th, 7pm CST
Global Warming Hot Topics Session
DuPage County Green Party hosts a monthly Hot Topics sessions on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm. This is not a business meeting. No agenda. No action items. Just a lively exchange of ideas!
Greens and friends of Greens are very welcome from outside of DuPage County!
The Hot Topic this month is
Global Warming
Register for Hot Topics.
Sat, May 1st, 12-1pm CST
Local Action! Illinois Green Party has a statewide effort to have local monthly actions on the 1st Saturdays of the month from 12-1pm. Contact [email protected] to find out more information on actions in your local area.
Grow with the Green Party!
Join the Illinois Green Party in mass organizing efforts at, or consider a donation for a good cause at Green Party does not take corporate contributions.
Live Green. Be Green. Never Settle.
There is No Planet B.
With peace,
Illinois Green Party Outreach
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