Last chance to catch some great speakers -- as well as great fellowship -- at True Texas Project this month! If you missed last week, make sure to catch what's left!
It's the most wonderful time of the month again!!! Get ready for some exciting meetings with True Texas Project, all over the state! Look at this line up...
Monday, April 12 - Lubbock County w/ Allen West: Leading the Battle Cry
Saturday, April 17 - HUGE PARTY w/ James O'Keefe; deadline to buy tickets is midnight Apr 11!!!
Ticket link
Notice we provide a Facebook link to most of our events. Two comments on this:
1. Please do not email me to tell me how evil Facebook is. I've already addressed this. Like it or not, Facebook is where the vast majority of the population is... especially those who are just now waking up to the realization that they might need to get involved in politics. If that's where they are, that's where we need to be to reach them. I will not leave Facebook until I'm forced off. They aren't getting rid of me that easily! I'll remind you that at one of our training programs for citizen advocates, I asked the very-crowded room, "How many of you have heard of True Texas Project before?" Practically no one raised a hand! I was stunned and so I asked, "Well, how did you end up here today?" And the unanimous response was, "Facebook!" I'm staying. If you want to leave, I understand; but you now know my choice and my reason, and so there is no need to hound me.
2. The great thing about Facebook event links is that folks can click "going" or "interested," and when they do that, they get a reminder that the event is approaching. Plus, the more people who respond, the more people who WANT to respond. See how that works? Very handy! Go ahead -- click the links now and say you'll be there! Then share it with others.
So... whether you invite friends using the website or the Facebook link, just please get the word out! All of our speakers around the state are just top-notch. This is a very exciting month! We try to livestream many of them, so watch our Facebook page for that, or you can always watch the recordings later from Facebook or from our You Tube channel. Both can be reached by clicking the icon in the top left corner of our web page.
The final thing I want to provide to help you spread the word are these graphic images which are easily shareable via email, text, or any social media. Each event has its own image. Save it to your device and share away!
Thank you to the patriots around the state who are blowing up True Texas Project! We are bringing in hundreds of people to each location, and trust me, Austin has taken notice. I've been told of several private conversations where legislators are just freaking out at not just our numbers, but our actions. We are holding them accountable and they don't like it! LOL
A personal note from Julie:
Growing True Texas Project to so many new locations is an exhausting effort. Fran and I have committed to have one of us at the first three meetings for each satellite, and since we are opening one new location per month, that's a whole lot of traveling. I'll be honest and say I've missed hanging with the Tarrant County peeps! I know the same is true for Fran, but we will be back ... and of course we're always with you in spirit, and we ask about you regularly! This month I'm at Lubbock County while Fran is at Grayson County. Next month we open in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV Sector). Can you believe it??? Then June is N Harris County, and July is N Travis County... and on it goes with a new one every month in 2021!
Please stay in prayer for these added efforts. We only want to go where God raises up leaders willing to take on the task, otherwise we're just spinning our wheels. Pray for our crazy schedules to be manageable. Pray for activists to respond. Pray for legislators to listen. Pray for all the details like venues, speakers, sound equipment, food service, child care, and all the volunteer roles that have to be filled. Mostly, pray for how YOU can make an impact yourself!
Oh, and one more thing... Washington Post has been working on a hit piece about us for weeks now. The reporter has dug through 12 years of Facebook posts, Board members, events, and the like trying to smear our name. She's contacted folks that don't even have any real connection to TTP, trying to find dirt. When I wouldn't talk to her she had the audacity to say, "At least just send me all your financials." Ha! I don't think so! The truth is, our reputation and integrity stands for itself and frankly, it doesn't matter what she writes because our kind of people don't read that trash anyway. But still, we like to pray that what she (or anyone) intends for evil, God will turn into good. So please pray for that as well. And please... if you are asked to interview, just decline. Regardless of how innocent your words may be, they will be twisted. Thank you!
