In one lifetime, we witnessed the black community decline from nearly 80% two-parent families to 80% fatherless homes as a result of "help from the government." Sadly, little attention or effort has taken place to restore marriage and families locally or nationally in the black community. Trust me, we are going to change that.
I ask that you spread this video around and help us send the message, “hello, brother,” as far as we can.
The second piece is for your use directly. TakeCharge has put together a brochure on combatting Critical Race Theory.
We’ve assembled the key stats, facts, and solutions that Americans NEED TO KNOW if we’re going to have a chance at swatting down the Woke Mob
This is an incredibly helpful piece of info and I’m sure it will serve you well.
Expect content like this to continue. We’re just warming-up. Stay tuned!
Strength and honor,

Kendall Qualls
President - TakeCharge MN