From [!] Midnight Deadline → Vote-by-Mail (MFA) <[email protected]>
Subject McConnell is SCREAMING
Date April 19, 2021 1:55 AM
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Progressives in Congress are fighting tooth-and-nail to pass a National Vote-by-Mail Option. So we're 300% MATCHING the next 100 donations from Washington Progressives to make it happen → [link removed]

300% MATCH $5 ➡︎ [link removed]

We told you: Republicans like Mitch McConnell are going ALL-IN to suppress voters so they can steal back power in the Midterm Election.

We told you: Progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are fighting back and rushing to pass a National Vote-by-Mail Option!

And we told you: we need $20,000 in grassroots donations before our Mid-Month Deadline TONIGHT to force Congress to act NOW!

But look: as of 4:30pm, we're still $2,131 short. We need a MIRACLE to pull this off. Can you help? ↘↘↘

300% MATCH ACTIVE UNTIL MIDNIGHT: Chip in $5 to Pass a National Vote-by-Mail Option ➡︎ [link removed]


Republicans are launching unprecedented attacks on voting rights in battleground states like Georgia, Arizona, Texas, and Michigan.

Thankfully, Progressives in Congress aren't backing down in their fight to pass a National Vote-by-Mail Option... but they need your help.

If we miss our critical Mid-Month Fundraising Goal, all hope will be lost.

So please, don't click out of this email. Don't check Facebook. Don't do anything else! Just chip in $5 to pass a National Vote-by-Mail Option. All donations are 300% MATCHED until our MIDNIGHT deadline →

300% MATCH $5 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $25 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $50 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $100 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH $250 NOW ➡︎ [link removed]
300% MATCH ANOTHER AMOUNT ➡︎ [link removed]

We're leaving it all on the table,

-Team MFA

This message was sent to: [email protected]

Thank you for supporting Medicare For All. Grassroots supporters like you help us elect more Progressives to Congress who will pass Medicare For All.

Emails are a crucial way to stay in touch with our top supporters. If we're going to take on the anti-Medicare For All Republican agenda, we need you with us every step of the way.

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If you'd like to donate to help our efforts, please click here. [link removed]

From all of us at Medicare For All, we thank you for all your support!

Paid for by Medicare For All. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. [link removed]

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