Did you register to vote yet? Let's make England and Wales Green



With only 18 days left until election day, Greens are polling as the third political party in the UK. This week, we gathered for two live chats on zoom that highlighted how Greens and Green policies make a real difference. Catch the replays here:


💚 Reverse the toxic legacies of our cities: candidates for mayor Sian Berry and Sandy Hore-Ruthven on the major Green opportunities across England and Wales.


💚 Taking on the status quo: Jonathan Bartley and Dale Vince discussed how to transform British energy to place people and planet at its heart.


Learn more about Green policies and how you can get involved below 🔽


Our Party Election Broadcast for England aired this week ahead of the local elections 6 May. View it here.

Melanie Horrocks, Green candidate for mayor in Greater Manchester, wrote that she would stand up for the climate and fight inequality



Our plans for a #GreenFuture would transform our relationship with land, agriculture and animals to everyone's benefit. We would ensure producing food supports employment by moving away from intensive farming and towards smaller-scale, people-focused production and land management that respects nature and is in the hands of local communities and workers across the food system. Riverford is an example of that, and they will donate £15 to the Green Party and £15 for you to use on their veg through this link.


Want to learn more? We have a collection of articles on Green policies over at our Green Living Room.


The local elections are only 3 short weeks away. Did you register to vote yet? The deadline is 5 PM 20 April.