Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

April 18, 2021


SOS! Sino-American Cooperation Needed to Save the Planet

Thursday, April 22
1:00 pm Eastern

A week after taking office, President Biden announced a whole-of-government approach to combat “the existential threat of climate change.” As the world’s two largest economies and carbon emitters, the United States and China are uniquely positioned to mobilize international action, and their collaboration is essential if the world is to make the transformational progress needed to confront the pressing threat of climate change. U.S.-China relations are at their lowest point since normalization. But efforts to find common ground will be center stage as President Biden hosts a virtual summit on climate for global leaders on April 22-23.

Join us on Earth Day to explore possible environment-related confidence-building measures with China, including green technology projects, to work through the challenges in the bilateral relationship for the good of the American people and the planet. Panelists are Georgetown University's Joanna Lewis, Johns Hopkins' Jonas Nahm, & UCLA's Alex Wang. QI's Michael Swaine will moderate.

Is the Quad’s Rise Destabilizing Asia?

Wednesday, April 21
9:00 pm Eastern

With no sign of a U.S.-China thaw on the horizon, the United States is doubling down on the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue -- the Quad -- with its partners India, Japan, and Australia. The Quad has graduated from a talk shop to having its own flagship military exercise even as its recent leaders’ summit stressed cooperation on vaccines, climate action, technology, and infrastructure investment. The role of India is especially important with Washington prioritizing India’s integration into the U.S.-led security architecture in Asia.

Join a discussion on the geopolitics of the Quad and the U.S.-India relationship with the Stimson Center's Yun Sun, the Council on Strategic Risks' Sarang Shidore, and best selling author, academic, and diplomat Kishore Mahbubani.  The conversation, moderated by QI's Rachel Esplin Odell, will take on key questions: Why is the Quad’s trajectory raising risks of a new cold war with China? How can the Quad be repurposed to reduce these risks? What role could India play in such a shift?

The Human Rights Impact of Broad-Based Economic Sanctions— Time to Rethink our Approach?

Wednesday, April 28
1:00 pm Eastern

Over the past three decades, we have seen an explosion in the United States’ use of broad-based economic sanctions. Policymakers on both sides of the aisle view sanctions as an attractive, low-cost foreign policy tool.  The economic pain inflicted on the target country is generally intended to compel it to cease its human rights abuses. But do such sanctions themselves violate human rights by increasing the suffering of civilian populations --causing starvation, shortages in critical medicines, electricity, and even clean water? 

Join QI Non-Resident Fellows  Asli Bali (UCLA) & Josh Landis (University of Oklahoma), and CUNY's Peter Beinart for a discussion of whether it is time to rethink the usage of broad-based economic sanctions. QI's Trita Parsi will moderate.


We Don’t Need a New Cold War With China
By Andrew Bacevich, President
Los Angeles Times, 4/18/21

Has a new Cold War, this one pitting the United States against the People’s Republic of China, commenced? Rhetoric coming out of Washington, amplified by hawkish media commentary, appears to take a Second Cold War as a given, something perhaps even to be welcomed.


Biden Just Made a Historic Break With the Logic of Forever War
By Stephen Wertheim, Director of Grand Strategy
Foreign Policy, 4/16/21

But will the president really end the United States’ other open-ended conflicts?


The Wisdom of Leaving Afghanistan
By Rajan Menon, Non-Resident Fellow
Foreign Policy, 4/15/21

The United States hadn’t accomplished its goals in 20 years. The next few weren’t going to make much of a difference.


How Biden Will — and Won’t — Battle the Pentagon
By Mark Perry, Senior Analyst
Foreign Policy, 4/12/21

What the new president really thinks about the military—and what the military really thinks about him.


America Needs a New Transatlantic Script to Deal with China
By Director Michael Swaine, Research Fellow Rachel Esplin Odell, & Shada Islam
The National Interest, 4/12/21

Neither the transatlantic alliance nor an alliance of democracies can be the bedrock for stability or for change in today’s world.


Biden Sanctions Russia for Cyber Espionage
Interview with Anatol Lieven, Senior Research Fellow 

Democracy Now!/PBS,  4/16/21


Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal
Interview with Mark Perry, Senior Analyst
Al Jazeera English, 4/14/21


Looking at Decision by President Biden to Withdraw From Afghanistan
Interview with Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow
Fox 5, 4/15/21



U.S. Lawmakers Express Concerns Over S. Korea’s anti-Pyongyang Leafleting Ban by Byun Duk-kun/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow on East Asia Jessica Lee, Yonhap News, 4/16/21

Biden’s Afghanistan Plan: 4 Tough Questions That Need Answers by Andy Kroll/ Quoted: Director of Grand Strategy Stephen Wertheim, Rolling Stone, 4/16/21

U.S., Japan Should Avoid Conflating Human Rights and Island Disputes With China by Intern Shuxian Luo, Responsible Statecraft, 4/16/21

Why Biden’s New Russia Sanctions are Shortsighted, and Dangerous by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 4/15/21

Friend or Foe? Group on Terror List Details U.S. Military Meeting by Research Assistant Matthew Petti & Hadeel Oueiss, Responsible Statecraft, 4/14/21

In the Pentagon, a Quiet Acceptance of Biden’s Afghan Plans by Senior Analyst Mark Perry, Responsible Statecraft, 4/14/21
Kerry’s China Climate Talks Should Focus on Coal Consumption by Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven & Research Fellow Rachel Esplin Odell, Responsible Statecraft, 4/14/21

RADIO: Biden’s Proposed Withdrawal From Afghanistan, Interviewed: Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow, LBC UK, 4/13/21

U.S. Should Stop Using Naval Operations to Impose ‘International Order’ by Research Fellow Rachel Esplin Odell, Responsible Statecraft, 4/13/21

U.S.-Iran diplomacy Amid Sabotage at Nuclear Site, Interviewed: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, DW News, 4/12/21


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